Jiraiya i Sendai




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒980-0803 Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Kokubunchō, 2-chōme−1−15 猪股ビル B1F
kontakter telefon: +81 22-261-2164
internet side: www.jiraiya.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.2632653, Longitude: 140.8698379

kommentar 5

  • ふっしー



    Jackpot!! ️ It's so delicious!! ️ Naturally, the price is high, but the satisfaction level is high! ! I was fascinated by the professionalism of the grilling chefs, and I was able to drink while watching them😆 Be sure to try the straw-grilled bonito tataki❗️

  • Naomi Matsui

    Naomi Matsui


    I learned about this store from a book written by author Shizuka Ijuin. This restaurant was first introduced by Mr. Sendai, who at the time lived in Sendai and had never written a review about food, in order to give back to the restaurants affected by the pandemic. I've been there twice and it's wonderful. The most recommended menu is the half of Kinki. There was a person in charge of grilling the meat, and the meat was grilled to a tender tenderness and the skin was crispy. After enjoying the compatibility with the generous amount of grated radish that comes with it, there's still more to enjoy. The leftover bones are used to make soup. Along with this, I also ordered Hoya Onigiri. You can also enjoy Sendai's delicious food such as sashimi, beef tongue, and oysters only at this restaurant, so even if it's a little pricey, you'll be very satisfied with just this restaurant. Both the staff and the owner are friendly, the food is delicious, and this is a famous restaurant. Books by the late Ijuin and Matsui's uniform are displayed on the stairs. If you go to Sendai, this is the place to go. Make reservations as soon as you have plans. We also recommend ordering oysters by the number of pieces.

  • KTM



    I visited you for a dinner with a business partner. Table-style seating on tatami flooring, so your feet won't get tired. Recommendations for female clerks Order while listening! Homemade bamboo shoots, etc. All the dishes are delicious and lovely It was a shop!

  • Asia Asipovich

    Asia Asipovich


    Cool place with delicious food that is prepared in front of you on the grill Very friendly staff!

  • Yuzo Yamazaki

    Yuzo Yamazaki


    Hands down best seafood bbq place in all of Japan.

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