Sushi Tachibana i Sendai

JapanSushi Tachibana



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒980-0811 Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Ichibanchō, 3-chōme−3−25 たちばなビル 5F
kontakter telefon: +81 22-223-3706
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.2603508, Longitude: 140.871893

kommentar 5

  • Harry Lowe

    Harry Lowe


    If I could rate this higher I would, the food was exceptional and we had a lovely chat with the staff and owner after our meal. They also gave us some great recommendations for the remainder of our trip and left us with a gift of some origami and a name card. Was all around a great experience and we would definitely go back again

  • I’m not a guest

    I’m not a guest


    This apparently is where locals bring their foreign guests. It is located on the the 5th floor so you have to take the elevator or the stairs. But when you enter you feel like you’re in an old style Japanese restaurant. We were seated at the horutatsu which is a table the resembles like your eating traditionally on a Japanese table. The food was great I ordered the Tamagoro which was invented there. It’s sushi and rice over a bowl of tamago. We were greeted by the owner. She was Very welcoming and made us feel accommodated. I would love to come back here again.

  • Mozhdeh



    Long time ago I visited this place. The food was nice, and the party was very nice too. I liked the environment and decoration.

  • Siwakorn



    The atmosphere was great. The place was so peaceful and the staff were very friendly although I can not speak Japanese. I didn't get an english menu but there were pictures so I could pick some dishes easily. The overall quality is good. This set was 1400 yen. I ordered additional Amaebi and Ikura which both were tasted quite good.

  • Oleg Shebanits

    Oleg Shebanits


    Absolute top notch! If you want to treat your taste buds to exceptional sushi, look no further. The fish is simply amazing, melts in your mouth. I am a big fan of salmon roe and it was absolutely tears-of-joy out of this world delicious. My only regret is that I don't think I know enough adjectives to do them justice.

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