Jimpachi i Kakegawa




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7-12 Sakanamachi, Kakegawa, Shizuoka 436-0078, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 537-22-5638
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Latitude: 34.7718209, Longitude: 138.0166501

kommentar 5

  • juan palomares

    juan palomares


    Best unagi ever. And really nice people. Thank you!

  • Emiliano Ishikame

    Emiliano Ishikame


    Best unagi ever... The meal was tasty AND abundant. The owner Is very kind. You may have to wait a bit but it's worth it. If you come near kakegawa castle, you should try it.

  • Peerasut Bandrapiwat

    Peerasut Bandrapiwat


    This is the best Unagi in Japan. They serve the best Unagi with old Japenese hospitality that very hard to see in this day. We spent a night at Kakegawa station to make sure we will have Unagi in this resturant It's best experience. We order as normal set and big set. Biggest have 2 layers of eel one is seperate on dish another obe under rice.

  • Thelma Zhou

    Thelma Zhou


    Best unagi we've ever had and amazing hospitality! I ordered the double layered unagi, which come with two layers of yummy eel and rice, a bowl of soup, salad, pickles, guts and bones, all of those were super fun.

  • Ken Law

    Ken Law


    Very popular place for local eel lovers. I queued up for 45 minutes (Weekdays Morning). It’s worth. Menu is written in Japanese only. The portion for the set meal is quite large.

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