stationery cafe konohi i Kakegawa

Japanstationery cafe konohi



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535-1 Hosoya, Kakegawa, Shizuoka 436-0112, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 537-26-1036
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7879085, Longitude: 137.9646537

kommentar 5

  • T Kim

    T Kim


    It's a little-known cafe. It's located in an easy-to-understand location facing the street, but it's well hidden by trees, so be careful as you might walk past it if you don't say so. I think there were about 8 cars parked in the parking lot. (I apologize if I'm wrong.) The exterior looks like an old school building or a storehouse, and the exterior has a great atmosphere. There are seats on the first floor and on the second floor, so there seems to be plenty of space. There was a counter seat and about 2 table seats on the first floor, and about 3 to 4 table seats on the second floor. Stylish stationery and miscellaneous goods are also sold on the first floor. It was also possible to purchase books on the first and second floors. The atmosphere inside the store was peaceful, and it seemed like a good place to go on a date, a girls' night out, or just spending time alone. (When I visited this time, 60% were couples, 20% were girls' parties, and 20% were single people.) The best part was not only the atmosphere inside the restaurant, but also the customer service of the staff and the food. The calm and kind service and the hot food that changes depending on the season were very delicious. The food was mainly snacks and sweets, so it may not be suitable for people who like to eat a lot. (Based on the above points, I gave the food a 4 star rating, but don't worry, the taste is very delicious.) It was a restaurant that I would like to visit again, considering all the reviews.

  • lily



    I was brought here by a friend of mine. It's like a witch's hideout... It's a sophisticated space that will make you forget time. The view of nature from the garden and counter is beautiful and enriches my soul. The staff and the atmosphere are friendly and very relaxing. I had the pistachio cake and hojicha latte and it was delicious ^^ You can talk quietly with friends, and I think it's easy to go alone. I'm glad to have such a nice shop in my hometown.

  • Gaku



    I visited on a holiday. It's located a little beyond the home center. The business was run by one man and two women. The customer service was very polite. There are seats on the first and second floors of the store, and it was used by everyone from young people to the elderly. There was also a space for selling miscellaneous goods. I was able to sit down almost without waiting, but depending on the timing you may have to wait. There were about 3 types of cheesecake. I think it was normal, jujube, and pistachio. It was around 500 yen to 520 yen. The pistachio cheesecake was delicious. The plates were also cute. The Japanese tea and coffee were also delicious. Both were around 500 yen. If you go to a cafe, I think the budget will be around 1000 yen per person. Recommended if you have a car.

  • スベクヒャン



    First visit in a while. The pistachio rare cheesecake is consistently delicious. This time I came to try the rare jujube cheesecake. The base is cookie dough, and the candied dates are on top. The texture is similar to dried grapes or prunes. The rare cheese on top is sweet and delicious. The greenery 🟢 that you can see from the counter seats by the window on the 1st floor will soothe you.

  • C Murley

    C Murley


    Cute and friendly Cafe for tea and cheesecake.

nærmeste Cafe

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