2961 coffee(フクロイコーヒー) i Fukuroi

Japan2961 coffee(フクロイコーヒー)



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Japan, 〒437-0042 Shizuoka, Fukuroi, Yamanachō, 3-chōme−3, とれたて食楽部内
kontakter telefon: +81 80-3937-2961
internet side: www14.plala.or.jp
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Latitude: 34.7415067, Longitude: 137.920751

kommentar 5

  • アリス



    The couple visited for the first time on Sunday, March 24, 2024, at around 1:15 p.m. There is a food court in the relaxation zone of ``Toretate Shokuryakubu'', and after ordering pizza from the one across the street, I stopped by here. Hot coffee 458 yen Iced coffee 509 yen I ordered. I had it with pizza at a table in the food court, and it was a delicious coffee with a clean taste without any unpleasant tastes.

  • 祐


    Gibraltar I love the gentle bitterness. It's a very small glass, so you can enjoy it slowly and carefully. ☆Lunch toast This time it's chicken spinach Gibraltar is not included in the drinks on the lunch menu, so I ordered both separately. The bread was thick and had a lot of volume. Crispy, fluffy. There were a lot of cheese ingredients, it was very delicious, and I was quite satisfied. ☆Comes with pickles and coffee jelly (weekdays only) ☆Cinnamon honey latte Overall, it's sweet, but the bitterness of the coffee packs a nice punch, and the cinnamon is strong too, which I really like. ☆Cheesecake It was sweet with no sourness and was very delicious. ☆Hot coffee Low bitterness, refreshing and easy to drink ☆Green tea cheesecake The green tea scent is more than I expected, and it's very delicious.

  • LUCKY japan

    LUCKY japan


    Good ambiance

  • Nadya Irmawati

    Nadya Irmawati


    Pizza toast!!

  • Byron's Bites

    Byron's Bites


    Make no mistake, 2961 (pronounced 'Fukuroi') Coffee can certainly whip up some of the best coffees in the district. It isn't just the high quality flavor of the coffee, the sweet caramel options or the seasional Winter White that makes it so good, but the service of the Baristas and their speed. The young Gentleman who is head of the shop speaks fluent English and makes for a kind of international friendliness not usually experienced elsewhere - good with kids! And then of course, its next to the pizza and teishoku court, so it makes for the perfect way to end a meal or just have a seat. When you see him, say 'hey', and try the coffee with the crunchy sweet rim on the mug. Forgot the name, but I always get it! - Byron's Bites

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