Valor Narutaki i Kakegawa

JapanValor Narutaki



🕗 åbningstider

586-1 Narutaki, Kakegawa, Shizuoka 436-0085, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 537-61-1900
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7782762, Longitude: 138.0317593

kommentar 5

  • 深津賢太



    Today, when I went to the Nordic Club, I found 10-piece chocolate croissants, 20-piece chocolate croissants, and lemon whipped bread, so I bought the lemon whipped bread. There were no churros in sight. I wonder if the Nordic Club doesn't sell churros?

  • 芋たこ焼き



    Barrow is also quite cheap. I used to go to Beisia all the time, but I thought it would be nice to have a supermarket with a bakery. There are a lot of private brands, and I end up buying a lot of them. The side dishes and sashimi were delicious.

  • n n

    n n


    On a whim, I stopped by to buy dinner at Bijiho when I was staying overnight in Shizuoka. Is the product selection normal for a supermarket of this size? We carry many PB products and they are cheap, but products from general manufacturers are more expensive. Perhaps because I stopped by after 6pm, the side dishes were just on discount, so I bought sushi and Tatsuta-age. The seasoning of Tatsutaage was unusually mild for a supermarket product, but there was a lot of skin and it felt powdery unless heated. I don't know if the sushi uses local ingredients, but it felt fresher than the ones at the supermarket in Uminashi Prefecture, where I live. However, the taste of Shari was strong, which was disappointing. When I asked for a plastic bag, I was asked what size it should be, but I guess there are still shops like this (lol) Since the consumer is not a professional, the store staff suggested the perfect size. That's what I want. Overall, I'd say it's an average supermarket, but I gave it 4 stars for the sushi toppings.

  • セクシー大下(コロ助)



    Many items are cheaper than other stores. The parking lot is also easy to park and use. Bread is recommended.

  • guapos tayos

    guapos tayos


    Smile ☺ shopping

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