Japan Post Utsunomiya Higashi Post Office en Utsunomiya

JapónJapan Post Utsunomiya Higashi Post Office



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-20-2 Shukugō, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-8799, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-943-473
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5544173, Longitude: 139.9092248

comentarios 5

  • MD Naser Ahmed Munna

    MD Naser Ahmed Munna


    excilent service. Big branch.

  • 河辺直之



    I live within 200 meters of my neighbor, but the noise is so loud day and night that I can't sleep. It's not like a vehicle coming in or going out, but a terrible sound that sounds like a metal container cart being destroyed echoes throughout the night. I want you to do something about it!

  • Ra g

    Ra g


    I used it to receive mail that had been stored. I felt happy that I was treated so politely by a woman. It was a weekday evening, so there were quite a lot of people using it after work, but there were a lot of staff on hand, so I got the impression that everything was handled smoothly.

  • molto espressivo

    molto espressivo


    Before the coronavirus outbreak, it was the only post office in the prefecture that could send and receive items 24 hours a day. However, it now closes at 9pm on weekdays and at 6pm on Saturdays and Sundays. I work until midnight, so in the past, if I was shipping within the prefecture, I could deliver it in the early morning hours, just before the flight to the prefecture left, and it would be delivered during the day on the same day. The Yu-Yu counter was open, so even if you didn't have stamps, you could weigh and accept items that were not in the standard size. Previously, this station was the only one in the prefecture that could do that much, but no matter how much work style reforms and cost reductions are needed, I would like this station to remain as a last-minute stop for citizens who are having trouble getting their mail. . By the way, currently, there is a final collection at 11pm if you put it in the mailbox at the bureau, but even if you make it in time, regular mail will be delivered the next day even if it is addressed to the same city.

  • Andrew Higgins (Higgins in Japan)

    Andrew Higgins (Higgins in Japan)


    I’ve had a positive experience every time I’ve been here. The staff is always extremely helpful. The parking lot is a pain!

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