イオン高橋店 i Toyota




🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-5-1 Higashiyamachō, Toyota, Aichi 471-0014, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 565-88-6511
internet side: www.aeon.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.087368, Longitude: 137.1841461

kommentar 5

  • Masa Masa

    Masa Masa


    I thought it was an amazing store. It's a 40-year-old facility, the oldest I've ever seen, and the parking lot has the feel of an abandoned building, but the location is perfect for its niche, and it has the ability to attract customers. The inside is quite good, and it's a rare small old Aeon that is closely connected to the local area.

  • 幸司



    It's an old fashioned ion The food section is open until around 11:00 pm 👌 The road in front is one-way so be careful when entering the parking lot ⚠️

  • 成田祐輝中卒社長



    I went there during the day on a weekday, and there were no customers. On the contrary, I'm grateful for that. Since it is an old-fashioned Aeon, it is smaller than the recent large-scale Aeons, but it is not inconvenient for purchasing everyday items. Please note that parking is a little difficult.

  • めがねさん



    It feels like an old-fashioned Aeon. Although it is an old-fashioned building, there are a variety of stores inside, and they are well stocked. There are many multi-story parking lots and I'm confused about where to park... The area is divided by color, such as green and orange, so it's a little easier to tell where you've parked. However, please be aware that there is a discrepancy between the number of floors of the store and the number of floors of the parking lot. If you look closely at the supermarket, you can find things that are reasonably priced, so I thought I'd like to go there again.

  • 2666 10993

    2666 10993


    Aeon Takahashi store is a general supermarket located in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture. Aeon Takahashi store is the core store of a commercial complex called Green City (Takahashi Kyodo Shopping Center). The sales floor is clean, but the building itself is a bit old. It opened in 1987, so it's been almost 40 years. There was also a movie theater and a skating rink when it first opened, but these are no longer there. It seems that there were 62 specialty stores when it opened, but now there are about 46. Moreover, there are many vacant stores. Aeon itself is perfect, but the building is old and there are many vacant stores, so it felt a bit abandoned.

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