Epron @ Shibuya i Toyota

JapanEpron @ Shibuya



🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-37-15 Shibuyachō, Toyota, Aichi 471-0808, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 565-88-1616
internet side: epron.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.0852673, Longitude: 137.1887141

kommentar 5

  • こんのなな



    The contents were often rotten, including onions, potatoes, shiitake mushrooms, and paprika. Customer reviews are posted inside the store, and I can see many of the same comments there, so I think it's probably the same thing. A shop that may be cheap or bad. I was surprised to see the energetic Anisakis moving among the fish. The parking lot guide was very nice. It moves quickly and leaves a good impression. However, there is no guide in the parking lot at the back, and there are elderly people roaming freely on the road, which is quite dangerous. There is a huge difference in the responses of store staff. The aisles inside the store are narrow and difficult to move around. Saturday evenings are the worst, perhaps due to the influence of TV, as customers wait for discounts and are not very polite. I can't do normal shopping because I'm waiting in the aisle for discounts and I don't even try to avoid them. There are many unattended carts left in the aisles inside, making the already narrow aisles difficult to pass through. The store side that doesn't do anything to improve it is the worst. The woman at the head office is also terrible at answering the phone, and I think she's finished as a person even before she's a member of society.

  • タコマフジ



    This is my favorite supermarket. The lady clerks at the cash register were all nice people. They may even talk to your child. The prices of side dishes have increased due to the rise in prices. It's more delicious than other supermarkets. Vegetables and fresh fish are also cheap. However, the parking lot is narrow, especially in front of the store, and I'm scared that someone will run into the store someday. There are security guards, so I'd like to think it's safe.

  • ん麻呂



    The daytime part-time workers are all very nice people, but I was surprised at what the evening part-time workers were like: passing bills with one hand, throwing bags in the other hand, and not having a good attitude.

  • あきのり



    I happened to have an appointment in Toyota City and visited this shop. I bought a chicken cutlet, It was a thick, chewy, and hard part. It wasn't what I expected, so I threw it away. I was traumatized and don't want chicken cutlets anymore.

  • 猫のダヤン



    This is the supermarket where you can buy vegetables at the lowest price of any place I know. It's interesting that they sell rare types and parts of seafood. After all, it's a side dish! Fried food, sushi, and bento boxes are all delicious here. From mid-morning to mid-day, you can sometimes buy freshly fried food, so I end up buying it and snacking on it in the car on the way home. … However, it feels quite small probably because there are a lot of people. If a customer on a cart stops at a corner, a huge traffic jam will occur immediately. It seems like it's hard for the staff to replenish the stock, and I get tired every time... Is that the only minus?

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