Frante i Nagoya




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1-chōme-39 Okauechō, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0837, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 52-752-7201
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1658848, Longitude: 136.9524784

kommentar 5

  • Adeeb Qunash

    Adeeb Qunash


    It's a great supermarket with a wide selection of premium and foreign items in addition to the usual items that can be found in other shops but the prices here are way too much in comparison with other shops, you will not find a good deal on anything here, but if you don't mind paying the extra money then shopping here will be quiet delightful as the quality is above any other.

  • Robert Mills

    Robert Mills


    If you're a westerner in Nagoya this supermarket has everything you probably miss from home. Hard to find items are the norm here, food quality is exceptional but very pricy

  • Cyber Cypher Contrarian

    Cyber Cypher Contrarian


    Frante's prices have been getting better over the years but I still find them over priced, but I but if your into quality, Frante is the supermarket for you.

  • Fabio



    Nice Supermarket. You find things that you normaly do not find in other Supermarket. Good selection of wines.

  • Chris D

    Chris D


    Over all a nice bit upscale supermarket with a more western feeling than typical supermarkets in Japan. Prices are much higher as well due to the image and area that it is located in. Only shop here if you can't be asked to go a few blocks away for more reasonable prices

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