Yamanaka Ozone i Nagoya

JapanYamanaka Ozone



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-1-95 Yada, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 461-0040, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 52-712-1771
internet side: www.super-yamanaka.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1923043, Longitude: 136.9405838

kommentar 5

  • N A

    N A


    Good selection. Accessing the parking lot is a bit difficult. If you use the 3rd floor, you won't get wet even on rainy days.

  • ローカルガイド レベル11

    ローカルガイド レベル11


    As someone who likes super cheap supermarkets and goes several times a day, Yamanaka's rating is quite low, and it's one of the supermarkets I don't stop at even if it's on my route.The reason is that it's generally expensive, so I personally don't find it attractive. However, I think it's good for the average person because the selection is good and not biased and stable. A good supermarket if you want convenience over value It seems like the most stable supermarket in the Nagoya area (lol) Previously, they operated a low-priced supermarket called Challenge Kan, but they have already withdrawn from the business.

  • JA ok

    JA ok


    ▶︎Renewed on July 9, 2022◀︎ Mets Ozone's Yamanaka Ozone store has been renovated. I often use Kakuozan Frante, but I designed it to be somewhere between Yamanaka and Frante. We also have a wide selection of products. Sushi-related items have also moved from side dishes to seafood restaurants. It also looks beautiful. Butcher shops have also expanded their price range, and the atmosphere has changed a bit. It has become easier to buy flowers from independent flower shops. There is a different kind of fun to shopping at Aeon. I felt that I differentiated myself well.

  • Kezang Chophel

    Kezang Chophel


    Interesting shopping experience

  • Muchy



    Not too shabby, could be better perhaps

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