Ina Clinics in Ina

JapanIna Clinics



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5014-1 Komuro, Ina, Kitaadachi District, Saitama 362-0806, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 48-721-3692
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.9941022, Longitude: 139.6183458

kommentare 5

  • 週末農家



    I made an appointment and went to the surgery. I thought that it would take a long time from the consultation to the checkout at a general hospital, but I made a reservation over the phone and on the day it went much more smoothly than I expected, from consultation to examination (CT and about 6 other items) to checkout in about 2 hours. did. I felt that the surgeon's explanation of the test results was thorough, friendly, and trustworthy.

  • Yuki Arakin

    Yuki Arakin


    I was diagnosed with spring finger a year ago. There is a hand surgeon here, so I made an appointment and had him examined. For now, I'm going to wait and see what happens with the injection, and then I'll have surgery later. The teacher was calm and easy to talk to. The hospital has moved and is nice and clean and flat! However, the navigation guided me to the old hospital and I was able to get there using my smartphone 😰

  • Pia Vasquez

    Pia Vasquez


    I went here because I’ve been having fever for the last 3 days. The staff and nurses were very helpful. I can’t speak fluent Japanese so they tried their best to help me. Since I couldn’t read the Japanese signs the staff escorted me to the room where I will be tested for influenza or corona.

  • きたよし



    I visited a neurosurgeon and underwent a contrast CT scan. The doctor and nurse explained in detail what to do next and what would happen to me. I was very scared, but the explanation helped me prepare and relax. Also, when I was called to the examination room, my attendant went to the bathroom, but she asked me to wait until she returned. Thank you very much for your consideration. Note that CT scans are scheduled at specific times, so the doctor checked with himself and then scanned the patient after him first. The test results were not as positive as I had expected. However, the teacher's explanation was appropriate and I was able to understand it. I also learned that through regional medical cooperation, I can live a more secure life. Additionally, I was informed that there are other testing and treatment options. He listened to my questions patiently and answered them without hesitation. I was able to leave the examination room feeling very refreshed. It's very reassuring to have a trusted doctor and nurse close to me. Postscript: Later, he analyzed the CT image with all his might and informed me that there was nothing abnormal. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everyone involved, including the teachers. I think it is unimaginably difficult to pay attention to each patient in a very crowded hospital. I try to live a healthy life, and if that doesn't work, I would like to rely on everyone. I will make a reservation for a human dog next time as well. thank you.

  • marivic diaz

    marivic diaz


    good system for me i like it 👍👍👍

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