Ikebukuro Clinics in Kawagoe

JapanIkebukuro Clinics


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3724-6 Kasahata, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-1175, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 49-231-1552
webseite: med-seikokai.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.9064993, Longitude: 139.4061699

kommentare 5

  • B J

    B J


    A hospital that doesn't put patients first, and my family and I probably won't go there anymore because there is a sense of mistrust. Hospitals where it takes 4 hours to get a flu shot At the reception desk, I was told that the vaccine was in stock, but after that, I was ordered to order it. It took 6 hours to complete the checkout. After waiting for a long time in the CT scan room, the nurse said, ``If you haven't paid yet, please wait in the waiting area in front of the reception desk.'' When I told her that I hadn't had a test, she said, ``What?'' A reaction like... After submitting my insurance card at the reception desk, I was given another person's insurance card at checkout. It was a fatal mistake.I don't feel the need to go into details, but I can only feel distrust in the way the medical records and test results were handled.

  • so ma

    so ma


    If you are admitted to this hospital, you will not be able to see your family. You can meet if you make a reservation, but you can only make a reservation after 5 days. I was able to meet my father four days later, but he was dead. When I was admitted to the hospital, I was able to speak, but I was unable to understand. Even my request for hospital transfer was not accepted. I should have taken her home and went to another hospital.

  • Kasumi



    I wasn't sure if it's okay to post here, but I am very grateful, so I am writing this. It was lunchtime, but I had to hurry right away. In situations where you would like to see a doctor No other clinic does this The phone line at the university hospital is also disconnected. Please call me if it's no good. I was able to see the doctor and it really helped me. Doctor, nurse, Mr. Clark Please be kind to everyone I was grateful. thank you very much.

  • みき



    Visited a urology department. He did not listen to the patient from the beginning and was arrogant from beginning to end. I wanted to hear the details of the symptoms, but all I had to do was answer what I asked! I was like, ``Okay! ” I felt like I was being pushed away. I'm worried about my condition, so can't you be more close to me? I think.

  • Per Aspera Ad Astra

    Per Aspera Ad Astra


    Doctors: the good & the 🤡 doctors. Today my Doctor was great 👍❤️ Hospital: Small in size but clean. 👍 Location: At Road, noisy, heavy traffic, Parking is a problem ! Times Pay Parking only ! Nurses are kind ! Staff, some are helpful and others are 🤨😝 General review: ❤️🤔

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