Higashikawaguchi Hospital in Kawaguchi

JapanHigashikawaguchi Hospital



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2-chōme-10-8 Higashikawaguchi, Kawaguchi, Saitama 333-0801, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 48-295-1000
webseite: www.e-kawaguchi-hp.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.8773144, Longitude: 139.7473948

kommentare 5

  • ルルサン



    Honestly, I don't want to wear any of them.I fell down and hit my knee and wrist hard.It was a night during a long weekend, so I managed. I decided to hold back and go to the doctor on duty first thing in the morning. I was taking painkillers, but the swelling in my knee was bigger than a softball ball, and my hands were so blue and swollen all over my palms and thumbs that I could barely move them. The pain is so severe that I can't even touch my feet when I go to the bathroom, and even when I wrestle with one leg, it hurts. The pain was severe and the swelling had swelled to the size of a melon, and the pain continued even when I didn't move, so I couldn't stand up on my own. I couldn't take it any longer, so I called an ambulance. I told them that I was in pain and couldn't walk, but as soon as I fell down, they helped me. I managed to walk on my feet, but since then I have been in so much pain that I can't put my feet back on my feet, and I told the emergency services that the swelling is getting worse, but since it's a holiday and it's the middle of the night, the team members who are trying to find a hospital and contact me are unable to find a hospital. While laughing with the hospital staff, Hahahaha, that's right. At first, he was able to walk. Hahahaha, he laughed out loud over and over again. He endured the pain until it reached the limit, and called an ambulance. Higashi Kawaguchi Hospital was selected, and the shaking of the mobile ambulance was enough to bring tears to my eyes.When I finally arrived at the hospital, I was hoping that the pain would be alleviated even just a little.The nurses were also talking with the ambulance crew, and I was thinking about what the hospital would look like today. Yo, that's it, hahahaha, this is it, hahahaha.We started chatting, and I realized that this was the person I was talking to from the emergency services earlier, and I was in pain. I was told to do my best to move myself, from the ambulance stretch to the hospital stretch stretch, and when I replied that it hurt and I couldn't do it, I was like, Wow, I'm going to move you. I was told that I would like it, and I was asked to move. After a while, the doctor came, looked at my swollen knee for a second or two, asked the emergency services what to do, and didn't look at me at all after that. Even while he was taking X-rays, I was in severe pain and cried so much. It was the first time in my adult life that I was crying in pain as I was being photographed in the room.Once again, the nurses and the emergency services were laughing out loud as they chatted until the X-rays were finished.Before and after the X-rays were taken, the nurses were again laughing at me. When I answered that I couldn't move it, I was given a disgusted look.The results of the X-ray showed that there was nothing wrong with my bones.My knee was swollen because of a bruise, so I'll give you a day's worth of painkillers.If it still hurts, I'll give you over-the-counter medicine. I bought some painkillers and took them.They explained to me that it was a bruise and that only time would resolve the issue.While looking at the X-ray from a distance, I turned my back for the first 1-2 seconds.After that, I was told by a nurse. I didn't have a broken bone, so I got down from the stretch and started moving.Even though I was told that there was nothing I could do and I just had to go home, I was in pain and tried to get up on my own, but I was still struggling and couldn't move due to the pain, so I broke my leg again. You said that you didn't know what to do. Get down by yourself! When I finally got off my feet, it hurt so much that I couldn't even touch my legs, so I couldn't walk, but it wasn't broken, so it's okay! Walk! No! in Finally, a wheelchair was brought to me, and when I sat down, I was taken to the front door with surprising speed. When I was about to leave, I was left behind, telling my family to take care of the rest because there was no broken bone.I called my family to come pick me up and told them there was nothing wrong with my knee bone, but the swelling in my knee was abnormally swollen. Even though I took painkillers, it didn't work, and I couldn't sleep because of the pain.Without getting any sleep, I went to another hospital in the morning, got into a wheelchair at the entrance, and examined her.The doctor there just saw that she was so swollen, Luna had a broken bone, and there was blood all over her body. If I don't drain the blood, I'll be in severe pain forever.So, I was taken to Higashi Kawaguchi Hospital by ambulance, and they told me that there was no bone abnormality due to the bruise, and that the swelling was just a bruise, so I just took some painkillers.I'm sorry, but this swelling is definitely a broken bone. I don't think so, but I had to get an X-ray done again and they only took the bare minimum. After the X-ray was done, 600 cc of blood had accumulated in my knee. There was quite a lot of accumulated blood. This must have been extremely painful. Even if you look at the X-ray, here it is. My meniscus is fractured. Even though it's clearly broken Were you told that you didn't? The teacher asked, tilting his head. Couldn't you get the swelling and blood removed? You went by ambulance, right? It seemed quite strange. I visited Higashi Kawaguchi Hospital many times. What kind of doctor is a nurse telling me that there is no broken bone?Even though Higashi Kawaguchi Hospital took quite a number of X-rays, other hospitals couldn't tell that I had a broken bone even by looking at them? 😢What's up with the nurses and emergency workers who are laughing out loud while chatting in front of patients who are in pain? It's really scary to think that I should have believed that it wasn't a broken bone and left it alone.

  • 小澤明子



    I was transferred to Higashi Kawaguchi Hospital and examined. A very nice hospital with friendly reception staff and nurses. The female doctor of surgical gastroenterology is I felt at ease because I was young and the doctor gave me a very friendly examination and explanation. I was able to undergo the stomach and colon camera examinations without any pain. I came to the hospital today for a follow-up visit, but I didn't know where the internal medicine department was, so the nurse I called out to was a newcomer. She was so cute and said, ``I came to this hospital in April. I'm not familiar with him either, but I'll accompany him to the internal medicine department.'' Great hospitals have great staff 👍️

  • kn_no_



    After a PCR test, I felt something strange about my body and visited an internal medicine clinic. I visited twice, but personally I have never received anything like what is written in the reviews. (Maybe I just got lucky?) At both visits, all of the staff members seemed polite and courteous. In particular, the internal medicine doctor who treated me had the impression that he was very thorough. Does it mean that certain employees are too cruel? The long waiting time may be due to too many patients.

  • Byung Kwon

    Byung Kwon


    Kind doctors and nurses with good service. I strongly recommend this hospital

  • Robbie Keith

    Robbie Keith


    This place is so unbelievably slow it's almost comical. The doctor I saw was good, though. Pretty, too.

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