Nishiarai Clinics in Adachi City

JapanNishiarai Clinics


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1-chōme-12-12 Nishiaraihonchō, Adachi City, Tokyo 123-0845, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3840-7111
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.7761494, Longitude: 139.7809639

kommentare 5

  • Cat KongEdge

    Cat KongEdge


    It was the worst hospital ever. I was admitted to the hospital as an emergency, but in the drawer of the hospital bed there was a [Information Consent Form for Physical Restraint] (attached image), and someone had written my name on it without my permission. Although I was never physically restrained, I received no explanation regarding this document and it was simply placed in a drawer. Of course I told them, but it ended with a simple apology, which was not a completely acceptable response. A few days later, I told him that I didn't want to go to this hospital and that I didn't trust him, and he forced me to transfer him and discharge him. Although the hospital has inpatient facilities, it does not have a store. When I asked the nurse what the single person was doing, she said, ``He doesn't wear anything under his rental nightgowns or tops.'' I might be able to purchase "diapers", but I was too stunned to get up to check that far. Also, laundry cannot be used (as of March 2024). You said it was due to hygiene issues due to the coronavirus pandemic, but as far as I know, I don't know of a single hospital where laundry was not available during the coronavirus pandemic. This may sound like a common complaint, but... The hospital food was by far the worst compared to other hospitals. Even when I call the nurse, she doesn't come easily (she doesn't answer the nurse's call before she comes). The teacher's explanations were half-hearted and made me feel anxious, and unless I listened to them, I would not be able to relieve my anxiety. Of course, each nurse's response is different, but as is the case at any hospital, some people are terrible. Above all, there is no doubt that this is a hospital where there is a possibility of unintentional and unreasonable treatment, such as in the case of the documents in the first place. I will never go there myself again. (When I looked at other people's comments, they seemed to have been deleted. I'm glad I copied and saved them in Notepad.)

  • TA ME

    TA ME


    If there was a doctor like Michiko Daimon, she would be highly rated. 🙄 Nowadays we only accept cash payments lol The reason for sticking to cash only...maybe?

  • 士会雄樹



    It's no good here. They just gave me an IV drip without doing any tests. The doctor also has a big attitude. It's better to go to another hospital.

  • 卓島谷



    All previous reviews have been deleted, so I've reprinted them here. I was referred by the Emergency Reliability Center, but the emergency department's telephone response was the worst. I thought it wasn't possible here, so I headed to another hospital. Someone else has written it earlier, and that's correct.

  • sugi youji

    sugi youji


    North Korean hospital. He once took part in an abduction, and after temporarily imprisoning the abductees at the hospital's sanatorium in Chiba Prefecture, he abducted them to North Korea on a spy ship.

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