Ikeda City Hospital i Ikeda

JapanIkeda City Hospital


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3-chōme-1-18 Jōnan, Ikeda, Osaka 563-8510, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 72-751-2881
internet side: www.hosp.ikeda.osaka.jp
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Latitude: 34.8209824, Longitude: 135.4334043

kommentar 5

  • M M

    M M


    The meeting will be for 15 minutes between 1:00pm and 5:00pm. It is assumed that the patient is able to walk to the waiting room on their own. It is not allowed for a patient's relatives to enter a four-person room in a general ward, and it is also not allowed for the patient to make a phone call on his or her cell phone inside the room. Patients who are unable to walk are placed in isolation even though they do not have an infectious disease. I don't think I can recommend this hospital.

  • The Librarian

    The Librarian


    My doctor and carers were kind and helpful during my stay from 6th to 9th. Today I arrived early from my doctor's appointment for my final checkup. I left 3 hours later after notice wasn't being communicated properly what I was supposed to do or where I was supposed to go. Admittedly my japanese skills aren't very good, but if things are explained properly to me I can understand. I was made late for work, and have to submit a report as to why I was late.

  • izham ahmad

    izham ahmad


    Bad experience when had an emergency for kid's fever

  • 坂本茂己



    This is a hospital that I have been taking care of for decades. I have been hospitalized several times and had nose surgery, and I still go to the hospital once a month. As everyone has said, there are positive aspects as well. Yes, there are some bad aspects, but if anything, there are quite a lot of good things.It's a reliable and good hospital in this area.The nurses and staff are nice people. It's very helpful to have a Lawson in the hospital. It's an indispensable presence for a general hospital. I hope it continues to grow.

  • cucu suryani

    cucu suryani


    Service ok

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