Niiza Shiki Chūō General Hospital in Niiza

JapanNiiza Shiki Chūō General Hospital


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1-chōme-7-2 Tōhoku, Niiza, Saitama 352-0001, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 48-474-7211
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Latitude: 35.8203525, Longitude: 139.5710864

kommentare 5

  • little snow

    little snow


    It's the worst. I was referred to an otorhinolaryngologist by a certain clinic. Corona flu test negative May 8th, Even after I finished taking the medicine I received, I still felt unwell. 20th I suspected pneumonia and requested an X-ray. I was told to undergo an otorhinolaryngological examination first. I was also tested for the coronavirus. Then, the doctor in charge said he was waiting for surgery, so I was kept there for almost four hours. Another doctor's treatment When I requested an X-ray, it was too late so I was told to do it the next day. 21st, I requested to see an internal medicine doctor, but was told that I would also be tested for influenza and coronavirus, so I declined because I would not be able to do it for two consecutive days. The response is too harsh! ! After another 4 hours of waiting, we finally got the X-ray and blood test results. Turned out to be mycoplasma I wish another doctor would see me from the beginning instead of waiting for my doctor to do the surgery. I think the x-rays were finished on the 20th! It's a joke to retest for coronavirus just by changing the ○○ department. How much do you want to steal medical fees? !

  • chiaki satou

    chiaki satou


    A while ago, when my child was seriously injured, I received emergency care. Even though her bones were clearly broken, she was left untreated for two hours, and the nurses were not motivated to do so. The doctor is a young, overbearing woman. (In the end, I paid 45,000 yen without doing anything.) I realized that if things continued like this, my son's arms would become incapacitated, so I called 119 on the spot and arranged for an ambulance. The doctor must have thought that I was a person who wouldn't listen to anything I said, but I judged this doctor to be a person who would destroy people. Emergency personnel also assessed the situation and headed to Kawagoe University Hospital. The surgery was then arranged. The doctor in charge at the university hospital was very understanding and helpful, even though the university has a high proportion of emergency medical care. My son is now doing well and is devoting himself to sports and achieving good results. I feel that I have been able to prove that my decision at that time was not wrong. Now, the reason why I wrote this old content is because the other day, there was an issue about Google hospital reviews. I do think that there is a risk that the reputation of the town doctor will be lowered due to incorrect expressions. However, at the general hospital, the above is true, and I think the reason why there are so many 1 ratings and long posts is obvious. After experiencing this incident, I became more careful when choosing a hospital.

  • j a

    j a


    *It is best to avoid undergoing a medical checkup here. I want hospital management to understand that office workers are using their paid time to come to the hospital. In summary, we are able to conduct re-examinations for things that would not go wrong at other hospitals, and we proceed with various unnecessary tests, but because the hospital's outpatient system is not in place, we are unable to properly receive medical examinations, and money and benefits are lost. I'll go. If you work at a company, we recommend that you look for another hospital. Below is my experience. An ultrasound scan missed a stone that was supposed to be in the kidney. (It was detected in the previous year. Since it was strange, I went to another hospital I frequent to confirm the presence of stones using CT.) I was referred to a nephrology department for testing for an abnormal eGFR value, but the doctor in charge's day of the week changed each time I came, so I was unable to see him. (Wednesday afternoon → Thursday morning → Monday) I was told that if I didn't come early, I wouldn't be able to receive the test, and even though I came early in the morning, the doctor wasn't there. Reservations are also not possible. During the medical check-up, the patient was told that the electrocardiogram abnormality had already been examined by a well-known specialist and that there was no problem with re-examinations at other hospitals in the past, but he was insistent that he would have to be re-examined every time unless he underwent an echocardiogram at our hospital. There is a reception desk at 8 a.m. (depending on the staff, reception starts at 8 a.m. or 8:30 a.m.), but if you don't have a reservation, it will take until noon. Furthermore, I was told that I would not be able to make a reservation unless I had a follow-up visit. What should I do? Honestly, I would like my transportation expenses and paid vacation back. If we are going to take in a human dog, why not prepare the hospital system first? The accuracy of medical checkups is low, and this hospital does not seem to have the capacity to accept reexaminations. Since the outpatient doctor's schedule at the local doctor is more accurate, I decided to look for a hospital specializing in each department, so I didn't have to come here. I won't go there again.

  • as a

    as a


    The doctor's attitude is the worst. It took a while for me to form, but first of all I didn't listen to what other people had to say. I didn't understand this, so I asked for a detailed explanation, but I explained it to you, right? I only say things. If you don't have time and want to hear more details, I'll tell you what time to come, but even if you go at that time, you'll have to wait and keep talking like it's a pain. I'm very protective of myself because I won't be responsible if anything happens later. In any case, you're really good at nudging people's emotions! It's a hospital that I don't want to go to again because of the bad manners. I'm giving it one star, but I'd rather give it a minus if there is a minus. This was the first time I had been to a hospital where I felt so sick. I would strongly recommend another hospital to anyone who is thinking of going there.

  • 菜々浜波



    Honestly, it's ⭐-100. It happened the other day. Sunday is the day when you get double the money. It was my first visit. I have high fever, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, I had joint pain that made it difficult for me to not only stand, but also sit. My husband also had a high fever. I explained this over the phone in advance, but The story is not known at all to those around you. I had to wait at the reception for almost an hour. It takes more than 2 hours to check out. It's hard to see from those around you Although it is obvious, it can also be used as a bet. won't let me move In the end, why not wait in a chair that you can't lie down on? As a fellow medical worker That was an embarrassing response. Of course there are many other things as well. The ultimate moment is at the final checkout. When I asked about the pharmacy, they specified a nearby pharmacy and when I went there, it was closed on Sunday. In the end, it reopened a few days later due to renovation work. Are you making fun of me? Let me walk with these symptoms Are you trying to make your symptoms worse? What's more, there was a 6 month old child? In the end, I asked my parents I searched for pharmacies for an hour. I finally found you. Even though I paid a lot of money and desperately went to the hospital, It was the worst from the first impression. I'll never go there again. Please give me back my money, time and energy.

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