ホテルマリノアリゾート福岡 en Fukuoka




🕗 horarios

Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
2-chōme-12-43 Odo, Nishi Ward, Fukuoka, 819-0001, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-895-5511
sitio web: marinoaresort.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5958726, Longitude: 130.3232084

comentarios 5

  • A Win

    A Win


    No.1. A place that accurately demonstrates the concept of the hotel. A heart of service, kindness, food, and healing. In particular, the attitude of older female employees toward welcoming guests is similar to the value of the entire hotel. If you want to give yourself something when you're feeling down, here is it.

  • Joseph



    service is excellent at this hotel. this is the third hotel we stayed during our fukuoka trip, the first was miyako hotel (都ホテル博多), the second was oriental hotel (オリエンタルホテル福岡). this hotel marinoa resort has by far the best service of all three hotels! 👍🏼 from the check-in to the hotel preparing my sons surprise birthday to the smores and strawberries to check out, everything was top notch. gotta give respect to this guy, his service is just too good, he is the mvp. if i can give six stars for service, i would. room is based on an older room but they try very hard to update it and it works. the view is great, hair dryer is latest panasonic top model, room included a very comfortable massage chair for relaxing after shopping at the outlet all day. bed is a bit harder but wasn’t uncomfortable at all. location is right by the outlet so there’s a lot of shopping and a handful of restaurants close by. however one disadvantage would be the lack of restaurants and convenience stores nearby. slight disadvantage so i would buy whatever i need from convenience store before heading to this resort. overall, i would definitely stay here again for my next trip to fukuoka. thank you for the wonderful experience.

  • Grace Templonuevo

    Grace Templonuevo


    A must visit in Fukuoka, the Marinoa City. Outlet shops are here. About an hour by bus from Hakata. Better to take the bus than train

  • Liling W

    Liling W


    A very pleasant stay which I would like to recommend. Specially thanks for Liku san and Ms Asami's accommodations (lounge and reception), who made our trip enjoyfully. We will love to come back again.

  • 天(1S)



    Seriously the best. This is what I was looking for online, researching, for an entire day, and couldn’t quite find. Skip the hotel with the public onsen. This hotel with a private bath and ocean view is The One! The staff reigns supreme, from in-house brewed strawberry tea to aiding you with any challenges. They are very kind and polite. This is my new favorite hotel. Thank you very much!

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