ホテルM by 南の風風力3 w Hamamatsu

JaponiaホテルM by 南の風風力3


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

460 Kiheichō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-3104, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 53-433-9720
strona internetowej: www.hotenavi.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7516891, Longitude: 137.7928565

komentarze 5

  • Shougo Suzuki

    Shougo Suzuki


    break fee Is it the price per person? Or is it the price for the room for two people?

  • SEROW 250R

    SEROW 250R


    Although the prices are high in the area, the rooms, service, and food were all good.

  • mi ru

    mi ru


    It's nice to have cosplay and free ice cream rentals, and it's nice to be able to connect your smartphone to the TV in the bath. I liked that I could register LINE coupons and use them on the same day. It was clean, had plenty of free rental items, and was well prepared. The sauna was solid. There were no bath salts, and the air conditioner was making noise when I slept.

  • k tsu

    k tsu


    I used it on my way back from a trip, searched for a love hotel with a sauna, found it near the IC, and secured a reservation for one with a sauna over the phone! It was a pretty good place, clean and expensive (13,000 yen for accommodation), but I thoroughly enjoyed it♪ #sauna The steam sauna is installed in the bath in a space of about 1 tatami mat, so turn it on and get ready while you wash your body! There is a TV in the bathroom, so you can watch it quietly without any sound. There is no need to request a switch on over the phone, and you can enjoy it as many times as you like. There was an error during the third continuous operation, but it recovered after taking a break for about 30 minutes! With sauna:202,205,210,212,303,305,306,308 Massage chair available: 301,302,303,305,306,307,308,310,311.312 #rest space I chose a room with a sauna and massage chair, so I enjoyed this as well.The chair is of course free of charge, and each set is set for 30 minutes, so you can enjoy it to your heart's content♪ Laze down on the bed, relax on the sofa, and bring your own drinks. Enjoy as much mineral water as you like♪

  • K t

    K t


    It was clean and the TV and toilet were modern and very nice. There are two types of shampoo and conditioner, and some drinks and ice cream are free. Unfortunately, I didn't really understand how to use the coupons.

najbliższy Kwatera

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