民宿 ないとう w Hamamatsu

Japonia民宿 ないとう


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Japan, 〒431-1203 Shizuoka, Hamamatsu, 西区Hiramatsuchō, 1169−1 ないとう
kontakt telefon: +81 53-487-2525
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7620349, Longitude: 137.6361752

komentarze 5

  • 夢桜



    Thank you for helping me celebrate my husband's mother's birthday. Although we were a large family of 16 people, they were able to rent out the second floor for us, which was very helpful. The washrooms and toilets are shared, but they are well-equipped and decorated with fresh flowers. Amenities were also provided. The bath was a little small, so 2 to 3 people took turns entering the bath. What is noteworthy is the luxuriousness of the food. You will be provided with so much food that you won't be able to finish it all. My mother-in-law even received a gift of arranged flowers as a celebration, and both she and her relatives were very satisfied. On the way home, they gave me rice balls and flowers as souvenirs, which made me really happy. I would like to come and take care of you again. It's about a 2 minute walk to Flower Park.

  • もも



    Although it is a guesthouse, the futons are raised and lowered between meals. The bath is not reserved for private use, but shared with other guests. Apparently they are heating underground water, but the amount of hot water from the faucet is large, and it feels nice to be able to use it directly. The rooms, hallways, and various areas of the dining room are filled with old tableware, folk art, and signboards. This made the space feel smaller, so I gave it a -1. As others have said, the food is surprisingly plentiful. It was the season for Kawazu cherry blossoms, and the meal was decorated with Kawazu cherry blossoms, making it look like cherry blossom viewing. Our service is such that we feel happy when our customers are happy. On the way home, everyone was given a bouquet of gerberas. It's been 2 weeks and it's still blooming beautifully.

  • takumi Sugahara

    takumi Sugahara


    The food is very delicious. I was also satisfied with the high ratings from other people. The portions are very large, so it may not be suitable for people with small appetites. Even after going to bed with a full stomach from dinner, the breakfast is of the same quality and quantity that would be served as dinner at any other ryokan. There will be no mercy. So, let's enjoy some delicious food! For those who want to eat their fill, I highly recommend it.

  • yo-su



    It's a beautiful guesthouse with delicious food and many antiques. I went on summer vacation. Access: About 40 minutes by bus from Hamamatsu Station, 2 minutes walk from the nearest bus stop There is no bus to Ryugaiwa Cave, and you need to go back to Hamamatsu Station first, so we recommend taking a taxi (20-30 minutes, 4,900 yen). If there are 3 people, the price per person is the same. If you have a car, you won't have any problems. Rice: This is the best. I chose the best plan and ended up with 13 items. The portions are large enough to fill the stomachs of male members in their 20s and 30s. (A basket containing various dishes is counted as one item.) There were many dishes such as sea bream dishes from Lake Hamana, eel dishes, pumpkin soup, etc., and they were all very delicious. Rooms: The rooms are well-cleaned, the futons are fluffy, there are lots of antiques, and water and ice are provided. It is run by an elderly person, but he explained things to me in detail and made me feel very warm.

  • aki ussy

    aki ussy


    All of the dishes were delicious, and the presentation was sprinkled with seasonal Kawazu cherry blossoms and rape blossoms, so I was very satisfied. There are fresh flowers in the rooms and even at the entrance to the guest room, and the building is very clean, so even though it's an old building, it feels calming. The hospitality is impressive.

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