Hotel Route Inn Niigata Kencho Minami en Niigata

JapónHotel Route Inn Niigata Kencho Minami


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11-11番14号4 Higashidekijima, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0961, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-280-9811
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Latitude: 37.9016165, Longitude: 139.0277981

comentarios 5

  • 中川大輔



    I always use it when visiting Niigata or on business trips. It's clean, and best of all, the large communal bath is relaxing.

  • Octopus Trooper

    Octopus Trooper


    I stayed here on the last day of my trip. It is a normal business hotel that is not much different from others. The massage I ordered here It felt so good. I forgot about destiny.

  • 堀岡和彦



    My husband and I stayed here for one night the day before Golden Week. The parking lot is a self-propelled multi-story parking lot, so I think it's a little narrow. The parking lot fills up from the front, so if you are at the far end, it will be difficult to change directions, so you will have to back up and park from the entrance. Check-in went smoothly and I went into my room, which was also very clean and clean. The large public bath and the men's bath have washing areas for 6 people, and are spacious and the best. Breakfast has a wide variety of items, and of course there are breads such as croissants. Also, there are fruits. The staff replenishes food quickly, and I think everyone who eats will be satisfied. The location is good, and the route in is the best. It is a stable route in. Also, please visit us when you go to Niigata City.

  • 本多友美



    When I have training at Unison Plaza, I often stay there. There is a large public bath, parking is free, and breakfast is free and delicious. I think they have a wide selection of products. Dinner is also available for a fee, but you can eat it at the hotel restaurant, it's delicious, and the price is reasonable. However, even though I wanted to eat dinner quietly, I was concerned that there were several groups of noisy people. The staff in charge of the restaurant didn't get any attention, and while it's nice to be so lively and noisy, I wish they would have thought about the inconvenience to those around them. That was disappointing. Overall, the staff's response is good.

  • Bruce Yang

    Bruce Yang


    Very comfortable

Alojamiento más cercano

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