Hotel Nikko Himeji w Himeji

JaponiaHotel Nikko Himeji


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

100番 Minamiekimaechō, Himeji, Hyogo 670-0962, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 79-222-2231
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8252844, Longitude: 134.6899812

komentarze 5

  • Cortana



    Notice: Renovations are ongoing. Guests in superior rooms or higher may experience noise during the day. Room Renovations: Period: Until Feb 12, 2025 Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Floors 8-12, one floor at a time. Unfortunately, the standard rooms on the lower floors do not seem to be included in, but we hope all rooms will be made non-smoking after the renovations.

  • Phạm Quốc Thanh

    Phạm Quốc Thanh


    Not good enough because the some stuffs in bathroom is not in good condition and I feel it old, need to be cleaned or something like replace by new one, and hotel cost for this time is not regular. But the morning buffet is really good for everyone.

  • Nick Tuason

    Nick Tuason


    I’m giving it 3 stars. Rooms are good size for Japan. Location is excellent. I chose the hotel for these two particular reasons, but chose to checkout and transfer hotels within an hour of check-in. The Reason: centralized cooling / heating. It’s the middle of summer and blistering outside and the last thing I want is the hotel deciding the temperature of my room. Temp wouldn’t get cooler than 26C (78F). Now the hotel was good in returning my money with no hassles. If I had booked and paid in full through an app like Agoda or Booking, I don’t know if it would be that easy. I didn’t even have to call for a manager. The front desk lady was able to decide on her own and refunded me with a smile and apologized that the temperature wasn’t to my liking.

  • Soul Art Matey

    Soul Art Matey


    I booked and stayed in the Nikko Hotel, and am generally happy with my experience. The location is excellent, and located at the South Exit of JR Himeji station. Really convenient. The staff are all pleasant, willing to help and polite. Lovely lobby area and posh restaurants, etc. The room I stayed was a single room, but the size was somewhat larger for a single room compared to its competitors I stayed previously. The bathroom is small and a large person might feel cramped, but for Asian averaged sized people feel it is enough. In my room it was clean and no obvious defects - the bed was comfortable.

  • Matthieu BRODIN

    Matthieu BRODIN


    Was a bit surprised by the small size of the room, which is very much like a standard business hotel. The bed was comfy enough. The bathroom was quite dated but amenities were sufficient. The view from the room was quite bad, straight on the roof / utilities. Location of the hotel is perfect, walking distance from the shinkansen station.

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