Hotel Love Jewel en Kitakyushu

JapónHotel Love Jewel



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2-18 Kamisoneshinmachi, Kokuraminami Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 800-0215, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 93-474-2124
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8211699, Longitude: 130.9472596

comentarios 5

  • 桑田俊作



    The customer service and the room were very good, but there were some disappointing points, so I'm giving it a ☆1. If it improves, I think it will be a ☆5 class. Accommodation location, room where you can drink cocktails 1.Noise Ventilation fan? There's a lot of noise coming from around. I asked the front desk, but they couldn't help me. It was pretty tough. Perhaps when the ventilation fan turns on in another room, the air in this room is sucked in as well? Pretty terrible sound. Also, the ventilation fan in this room is quite loose and cannot be used. 2. False information before accommodation Please inform your employees prior to your stay. I called to confirm the all-you-can-drink cocktail system. Then I heard the following information. All-you-can-drink alcohol such as whiskey is available in the room. There are no other diluted items (carbonated water, juice, etc.). I was told that there was no shaker, measuring cup, or quantity list for making it. I bought a shaker and a measuring cup and learned how to make it to some extent, but in reality, the shaker and measuring cup were there, and there was also a menu board. There was no need to buy it. 3. There is karaoke, but you can't use it. A style where you scan the QR code and select songs from your mobile phone. However, the model is too old. almost no songs Precise scoring NG Songs from the second half of the Heisei era NG Not the latest songs, of course. Kenshi Yonezu, who was recommended to me, chooses Lemon, but it is NG Finish by having the children sing “Elephant” and “Acorn Rolling”. Due to the above disappointing points, I will give it a 3 star. However, the facilities and customer service were very good, such as the cleanliness and the sauna. Despite the initial rating of 1☆ I received feedback from the store manager that they would make improvements. I hope it improves Other than the negative points, everything was very good. From ☆1 to ☆3 We will change it. I will use it again!

  • まつた



    There was no omelet rice or dessert listed on the website. It was a pain to order the menu using QR code, and the confirmation screen didn't appear, so I couldn't order it. There is no morning service or welcome service, so there will be no repeat visits.




    My first stay with my long distance girlfriend. An extremely clean room. It was very clean and very spacious 😁 They raved about it and said they would like to go again. I made the right choice here. I will repeat it again!

  • 甲斐祐将



    Used it as a night before an event. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our staff by using the facility in a way that was not intended... The room I stayed in was spacious and fully stocked with facilities and consumables. Once at the front desk, there is a drink server and plenty of shampoos and treatments available for free rental. There were also room facilities. However, the water in the bath was lukewarm. The lights in the room blink unintentionally in the middle of the night. Knock on the wall? Unfortunately, I heard a sound like jumping on the floor.

  • 通りすがりの豆苗



    The price is reasonable for the room. I think it's interesting because each room is spacious and has a concept. It seemed to be busy on Fridays and Saturdays, so it was difficult to get through to the front desk by phone, but that's okay...However, they do ask you to call when you leave or leave your room. You can take pictures inside, and this time I used two rooms for my cosplay photo session. (We apologize for the inconvenience caused to the staff...) I think the amenities are relatively good, with an open-air bath (cold in February and the water pressure is weak), a sauna (large enough for one person), and a bedrock bath. I was glad that there was a face pack. In the room I slept in, the intercom that I didn't understand rang twice in a row while I was gone, and in the other room, even though the lights were turned off with the electric board, the table lamp blinked alternately from left to right. That's the only thing that bothered me, so I gave it a ☆4.

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