Hotel Johzenji en Sendai

JapónHotel Johzenji


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2-chōme-14-25 Kokubunchō, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0803, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-722-7855
sitio web:
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Latitude: 38.2653695, Longitude: 140.8686217

comentarios 5

  • Cosmin Remetea

    Cosmin Remetea


    Nice just strong smell in smoking rooms

  • Mark Osborn

    Mark Osborn


    It's right near the action but safe as well. Very nice staff. Unfortunately you can hear the crosswalk sounds much of the day. Beep, beep-beep.

  • Fathiyya Az-zahra

    Fathiyya Az-zahra


    This hotel is placed in city center so it is convenient for sightseeing especially during the night. However the internet connection is super slow. I hope they can improve it because in my opinion wifi is one of the most crucial thing to be provided by hotel.

  • Wincent



    Just next to a main shopping street. Hence, a bit noisy at night. 2 subway stations away from the Sendai JR Station. Hotel rooms are under refurnishment. Some rooms may not have air conditioning. Acceptable for those under stringent budget.

  • Strongarm Atom

    Strongarm Atom


    A budget hotel. CIean and tidy room. Just next to a shopping street and a subway station. Considered convenient. Two stations away from the main Sendai Station. Please note that the hotel rooms are currently under refurnishment. No air conditioning at present. The only option is to open the windows. But if you open the window, karaok noise nearby will come in. Hope everything is alright by summer. Generally, this budget is a very good choice if you have limited budget. さようなら。

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