Dormy Inn Sendai Station en Sendai

JapónDormy Inn Sendai Station


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1-chōme-5-38 Honchō, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0014, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-715-5489
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Latitude: 38.2642186, Longitude: 140.8799416

comentarios 5

  • Matthew Hogan

    Matthew Hogan


    The staff here were amazing. When I had a problem with my booked room and they found me an upgrade even though they were fully booked. The amenities (breakfast, late night soba and onsens) are always top notch and the staff here showed me they will go the extra mile to help you if you ask.

  • Tasha LeMay

    Tasha LeMay


    The night staff was rude and short with us even though it was close to midnight when we for to the room. The room was filthy. Wall paper torn in several spots. Fuzz on the floor. Grime around the sinks and in the tub. The onsen smelled like mold and had mold on the bath separators. It was Terrible for the ¥100+ I paid. I'll never recommend and I will not go back to this hotel. The Dormy Annex is a better choice if you want to chose the hotel brand. The Dormy Express only has a men's onsen, but will provide a ticket to the Dormy Annex in which you have to walk to.

  • J Kenney

    J Kenney


    Stayed at Dormy Inn on business trip and I am never disappointed. Wonderful variety and quality with the breakfast buffet. The free snack noodles were a great way to finish the night. Bought extra toppings and various items to add to the free needles and it was really delicious.

  • Attila Kovacs

    Attila Kovacs


    Love this place. Unlimited free access to the onsen (spa) on the top floor with both indoor and outdoor pools for a superb daily relaxation (in fact, you may prefer to do you daily showering, hair washing, shaving, etc. in the onsen!). Great breakfast that offers a variety of Japanese dishes (and also some Western ones for the less adventurous) -- mostly prepared on the spot. Free noodle soup between 9:30 and 11 pm. The rooms feel small, but you get used to it. We did just fine as 2 adults and a child on the full-sized bed of a single room (the doubles were all booked out). The only real downside is that the internet is rather flaky.

  • Chris D

    Chris D


    This was probably the least comfortable hotel stay I have ever had. The AC unit only has on/off functionality. I wondered why my lungs and throat hurt so much after the first night. After examining the AC, I noticed that it was full of mold which was being spread throughout the room during operation. I chose not to use it after this, which made it uncomfortably hot (it was about +35 C/95 F during the day). The shower also had mold growing in it. After 3 nights, I requested a room change in the hopes that the hotel would find a room without a moldy AC. I showed the pictures, and they accommodated my request. The second room also had a mold AC, so I didn't use it (though the cleaning staff would turn it on during the day while I was out). At least the shower in the second room didn't have mold. The wifi in both rooms was almost non-functional. It cut out quite frequently making surfing and messaging a constant frustration. Oddly enough, I had trash that was placed in my room (see photo). I don't know how it got there, but, I suspect the cleaning staff accidentally left it behind. My advice - stay away from this place. It's not worth your health. While the lobby and halls look clean, that's about where it ends.

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