Hotel Iida w Kyoto

JaponiaHotel Iida


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

717-3 Higashishiokōjichō, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8216, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 75-341-3256
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.9876282, Longitude: 135.7605555

komentarze 5

  • 村松秀幸



    It is located on Ryokan Street near Kyoto Station. I had no idea that there was an inn with this kind of atmosphere near the station. Therefore, access to the station is excellent, and the surrounding area is downtown. I was able to check in until late, and there was a large public bath, which was helpful because I could use it until 24:00. It's a tasteful Japanese-style room, and although I use a heating type, it doesn't mean you can smoke. It was nice to have a toilet in the room. It's not as clean as it used to be, but the air conditioner and other things are new, so it's nice. I was able to eat breakfast in a relaxed manner.

  • Mariko



    My daughter took care of me on a school trip. As other students on the school trip said in their comments, all of the rice was so cold that they couldn't use their chopsticks. Because of this, his teacher scolded him and told him to eat without being picky. He said he might have been able to eat it if it had been warmer. I think it's difficult to prepare meals for a large number of people, but I'd like to see some improvement.

  • Bronson Gherardi

    Bronson Gherardi


    Great location, only not far from Kyoto station. Traditional and Western style rooms. The great service and clean.

  • Lucia Tomiyama

    Lucia Tomiyama


    Good location if you want to stay near Kyoto Station - that is the only good thing. I was very disappointed by the rude and completely unaccommodating staff. One of the worst hotels I have stayed in. Old, room and towels smelled of smoke, can't relax and watch TV from bed (TV sits on a safe deposit box!). The front door closes at 11pm (curfew) and opens at 6am.

  • Davide Ferraro

    Davide Ferraro


    Nice location, near the station. My room was in japonese stile.

najbliższy Kwatera

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