Hotel Heian No Mori Kyoto en Kyoto

JapónHotel Heian No Mori Kyoto



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
51 Okazaki Higashitennocho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8332, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 75-761-3130
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0171506, Longitude: 135.7895176

comentarios 5

  • Chris Backus

    Chris Backus


    This hotel used to be amazing, but now it is literal garbage. The rooms stink of cigarettes and are 90°F. Turning on the "fan control" just blows even hotter air into the room. The entire building that was allegedly "just renovated" is filled with water damage, mold, and grime. The service is also terrible. The staff were incredibly rude. Our group booked the entire hotel for many days, but when we asked for help with the smell and temperature, the person at the desk acted like we were crazy and told us to just open a window. In most rooms, the windows can't actually open. The stairs are roped off on certain floors for no apparent reason, so it is impossible to reach certain areas efficiently. The only thing this hotel still has going for it is its location, but there are other hotels with better amenities closer to where you want to be. This formerly great hotel is now a stark contrast to the cleanliness, service, and courtesy you can take for granted anywhere else in Japan. I will never stay here again.

  • Joe Cochran

    Joe Cochran


    Very clean, good sized rooms, friendly staff. There's a small on-site communal bath with separate male/female areas. Two reasonably-priced souvenir shops on site. Note to foreign guests: The bath has a zero tattoos policy. Also the taps run very hot compared with Western countries. This is Japan, after all. ;)

  • Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein

    Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein


    Very nice hotel with mostly helpful and kind staff. For shomer Shabbat travelers: there is one female staff member who understands and knows the rules and habits, but make sure she informs her colleagues as well.

  • Joeset



    Large old fashion Japanese style hotel, not in the middle of Kyoto but provides free shuttle bus to Kyoto Station. My room was paved with tatami but western beds on top, bathroom was small but the shower stall was great. Public buses from the city centre stop in front of the hotel, also it is within walking distance to Shijo.

  • tashimoshi t

    tashimoshi t


    The room is well decorated very clean and nice and also staff are very helpful and polite. Hotel also provide bus between kyoto station and hotel in a day. One bad point is that no restaurant near there.

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