HINEMOSU Grill i Toyohashi




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Kanda-119-2 Shimojichō, Toyohashi, Aichi 440-0084, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 532-74-0265
internet side: www.instagram.com
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Latitude: 34.7741891, Longitude: 137.390475

kommentar 5

  • Tomomi MIZUKAWA

    Tomomi MIZUKAWA


    I used it for lunch. I had a hamburger and a cutlet. As others have commented, it is located in a residential area and the road is narrow when entering from the main street, so I passed by without noticing the store once, but I arrived safely. Apparently, if you don't make a reservation, you'll have to wait quite a while, but luckily I was able to slip in in front of the customers who had reservations, and I didn't have to wait too long to be seated or to get my food. The salad and carrot potage were delicious, but the vegetables on the side were also very colorful, and the main hamburgers and cutlets were really delicious! Personally, I would have liked the hamburger to be a little thicker, but the regular size was enough to fill me up and I was satisfied. I was curious to see that Mosuko-chan (?) tin badges from Hinemosu were being sold in front of the cash register, but I would like to use them if I have a chance to stop by again.

  • y t

    y t


    This was my first visit, and I don't often go to grill restaurants, so it was a good choice. The food is very delicious, the owner has a very nice atmosphere, and I would like to visit this restaurant again.

  • 音雨



    postscript It's been a while since I came to the store. It was delicious as always. It may not be enough for those who want to eat a lot, but you can see that it is made with care. I drink a lot of water when I cook, so thank you for pouring it every time. Thank you for the meal. The salad is also fresh and crunchy. The soup is also warm and gentle. Not only the main course but also the accompanying vegetables were delicious. A store you'll want to visit regularly. I'm happy to be able to find a store like this in Toyohashi. It seems like it's your 10th anniversary, congratulations!

  • Yasuhiro OKADA

    Yasuhiro OKADA


    A store I've always wanted to go to. The time of my visit was around 11:20 on Friday. In front of the two of us, there were three people with children around one year old. As soon as I arrived, the store opened and I went inside. However, there were already 6 people who had made reservations, and we explained that the food would be served 30 minutes later as reservations were prioritized. I was surprised, but since I had some free time, I told them I would wait, and they let me take a seat and made me wait. I thought it would be safe to make a reservation if you were sure and had time constraints. It seems that this doesn't usually happen, but when there are a lot of customers, it seems to happen. I can't help it. The store's signage is a little difficult to understand, so you may end up walking past the store, so be careful if this is your first visit. Please look at the photo.

  • C P

    C P


    Very delicious. Highly recommend this place. Try the bread instead of the rice for lunch.

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