Starbucks Coffee - Toyohashi Cocola Front i Toyohashi

JapanStarbucks Coffee - Toyohashi Cocola Front



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Japan, 〒440-0888 Aichi, Toyohashi, Ekimae Ōdōri, 1-chōme−55 ココラフロント
kontakter telefon: +81 532-57-1377
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.762905, Longitude: 137.3840322

kommentar 5

  • Amrit Poudel

    Amrit Poudel


    Just next to station, best place to relax and do remote work.

  • Stephen Gosden

    Stephen Gosden


    Good coffee in a pleasant environment with free WiFi as a bonus! Not cheap, but when is good coffee cheap anyway? We paid just under ¥1000 ($8/£6/€7) for two caramel macchiatos (tall). Starbucks photo - they looked just like this.

  • Cherry L

    Cherry L


    Spacious and not crowded. A few minute walk from Toyohashi station.

  • Mochi Mochi

    Mochi Mochi


    Kudos to the Chrismas Strawberry Cake Frappuccino is the best! The staffs are accommodating! Kudos also to the New York Cheesecake! never disappoints!

  • Adriano Tenorio

    Adriano Tenorio


    This is a nice place, but the huge window panels make it a very brightly lit place, which is sometimes annoying. Other than that, drinks and food is as any other Starbucks store.

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