Hinadori Kaneko Imamachi Store en Mitsuke

JapónHinadori Kaneko Imamachi Store



🕗 horarios

5-chōme-41-27 Imamachi, Mitsuke, Niigata 954-0111, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 258-66-5060
sitio web: www.ginzado.ne.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.5537561, Longitude: 138.8922278

comentarios 5

  • masamasa ban

    masamasa ban


    I was drawn to the fried chicken half and used it for lunch. There are about a dozen parking spaces in front of the store, and although you can't see the whole thing once you enter, it seems to be quite spacious. The menu consisted of set meals and rice bowls, mainly fried foods, and Japanese soba noodles. Most of the prices were around 1,000 yen, which was relatively reasonable. I was told that the half-fried chicken is a specialty, so I ordered the "Hinatori Set Meal Set (¥1300)" which comes with 3 pieces of yakitori (you can get a second helping of rice). The fried half body has a slight curry flavor and is delicious, but as someone who is lazy, I find it quite difficult to eat. I thought I'd try something else on the menu next time I have a chance.

  • Joel Canero

    Joel Canero


    This is my favorite restaurant when I'm in the area! Original location has been updated. Prices are affordable! Don't forget to add the lemon juice provided at the table to elevate the taste of the chicken!




    Great fried chicken restaurant I love it. Crispy skin with so juicy meat is really fantastic, it’s slightly curry taste but not too spicy, no problem for kids even baby. It seems this style of fried chicken is a local food in Niigata and curry taste is Niigata people prefer. Any credit cards and electronic money payment methods are unacceptable. No English menu is available, it might be however easy to choose since many piccies are on the menu.

  • N.Macchan



    Its signature is fried chicken leg with curry salt.

  • K Hori

    K Hori


    good local food

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