Kakujoe Seafoods Tetadomari Main Store en Nagaoka

JapónKakujoe Seafoods Tetadomari Main Store



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9772‐27 Teradomarishimoaramachi, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2502, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 258-75-5246
sitio web: www.kakujoe.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.6476389, Longitude: 138.7716797

comentarios 5

  • ちゃいちゃん



    I went there two days in a row when I was traveling to Niigata. The oysters in the shell are especially delicious, and only 400 yen for a big one! It's twice the price in other areas! The butter-grilled oysters were well-grilled and quite delicious. The sushi and sashimi platter was crowded from the morning, and it was a great meal while drinking alcohol.

  • ます



    I passed by on my way to Niigata City. There was a large parking lot across the road in front of the store, and I arrived around 10 o'clock. It was a little early for lunch, but customers were constantly coming in. Nowadays, even a small seafood bowl can be quite expensive due to inbound prices in various parts of Japan, but I thought that the total price of 2000 yen for a bowl of sea urchin roe and 10 pieces of thick tuna fatty tuna, although small, was quite a good deal! There is a space where you can eat what you bought inside the store. When I bought the kaisendon, soy sauce was sold for 5 yen, so I thought I could use that sauce when eating inside the store, but they had soy sauce on hand💦 The chopsticks are on display at the store, so you can get them for free.

  • Lee Chiat Ch'ng

    Lee Chiat Ch'ng


    The seafood here was fresh and affordable. We couldn't believe we got a bowl of soup filled with fish and a crab leg for only 200 yen. There were also seafood with rice, sushi, sashimi, deep-fried seafood, and steamed oysters. It was quite crowded when we went there during weekday lunchtime, but we were able to get a table.

  • Long



    Good value for seasonal sashimi. Soup with crab is very nice and cheap

  • At M

    At M


    This is the best one around here.

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