Curry Kitchen Pandora en Sanjo

JapónCurry Kitchen Pandora



🕗 horarios

719-1 Wakamiya Shinden, Sanjo, Niigata 959-1105, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 256-45-6535
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.5924396, Longitude: 138.9265038

comentarios 5

  • Aaron Liu

    Aaron Liu


    The store owner is very polite and polite. The soup and curry are delicious. I didn’t expect to have such a delicious meal here. It’s really great.

  • Huei Chuan Peng

    Huei Chuan Peng


    The boss is very kind and will not feel distant because he is a foreign tourist. The atmosphere in the store is very good and you can relax and enjoy your meal. This is a rare soup curry, delicious. Opening in the fields, there is still an endless stream of customers. It is indeed outstanding. It is highly recommended!

  • 飯山コシコシ



    Yasuna chicken curry (Contains fried tofu.) Choose dry. The spiciness was modest. Fried tofu is a nice accent. It was a delicious curry. My body is on fire...! revisit Chicken curry (large spicy roux) Last time, I wasn't satisfied with the spicy one, so this time I chose the extra spicy one. I also made a large serving of roux. Yes, good spiciness! HOT!HOT! For those who want spiciness, we recommend extra spicy or higher. Personally, I want to taste the numbing spiciness, so if it becomes available for a limited time, I would definitely like to try it. Set drink craft cola An accompaniment to soothe your pain. it's the best.

  • あおいあおい



    This is spice! curry! It was a dish with a harmonious combination of various flavors, spiciness, and aromas! The rice was a little hard and went well with the roux! Why this place off the national highway? Despite its location, it is an irresistible restaurant for curry lovers!

  • Sanjay Krishna DJ

    Sanjay Krishna DJ


    Had been to the restaurant and found the staff very friendly and the taste has a blend of Japanese curry with a few South Indian spices and tasted really good. It was a good experience. Recommend for curry lovers.

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