Hibariya w Shimada




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1313-1 Mitsuaichō, Shimada, Shizuoka 427-0036, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 547-36-7566
strona internetowej: hibari-ya.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.841302, Longitude: 138.1571043

komentarze 5

  • モコモコ



    Some people have bad manners when using parking lots. If there is space in front or behind you, a car will rush in. I want to park as close to the entrance of the store as possible, so I don't come around in order!

  • Tosi Yama

    Tosi Yama


    There are plenty of ingredients for camping and solo camping! Frozen side dishes are delicious and super convenient to carry! For meat, there are spare ribs, offal-based heart and meatballs, yakitori and pork skewers! It's a bit disappointing that there are so many cheap American beefs, but I guess it can't be helped. Seaweed rolls are also recommended. The best part is that the rice is small and the toppings are big! So delicious! They also sell firewood and try to make gas cassettes relatively cheaper than the supermarket next door. Also, is there plenty of alcohol? If possible, I would like to have a whiskey called Laphroaig. It would be nice if the bread corner also had harder bread for campers. I hope you continue to do your best!

  • 豊田季胡



    I bought eggplant because it was on sale on Saturdays and Sundays for 158 yen, but when I looked back at the receipt, it was 178 yen. Even though the eggplant bag had a barcode and a price of 158 yen. i am sad. The sushi looks very delicious, but the nori seaweed in the Gunkanmaki feels unpleasant.

  • Vitor Sumiyoshi

    Vitor Sumiyoshi


    Good prices

  • s SS

    s SS


    For meat, go to Every Big Day, and for vegetables and fish, go here. I am purchasing. Meat is a little expensive. The area is lively with refreshing songs from the entrance. There are a wide variety of fish and vegetables in the supermarket. However, the reason why I gave it a -1 star was because the cash register was sour. I usually go in the evening, and a man is in charge of the cash register. There are many lanes that are active, and each one has ambition. there is no. So, when you finish shopping, Even though I bought something cheap, I still feel a bit bitter. I am forced to do so. Why are there so many men with no ambition? It's a mystery whether they should be placed in charge of the cash register. Even though the old lady who rearranges the side dishes is very energetic. I think a ★5 is fine as long as the cashier is energetic.

najbliższy Supermarket

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