Fujiya Tomei w Yaizu

JaponiaFujiya Tomei



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒425-0091 Shizuoka, Yaizu, Yagusu, 4-chōme−9−8
kontakt telefon: +81 54-629-6171
strona internetowej: www.4919228.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8789939, Longitude: 138.3042218

komentarze 5

  • 素敵ヨウコ美人



    Chikuya omelet rice is very delicious!! ️A simple ketchup rice with melty eggs that keeps repeating♥️

  • Takashi T

    Takashi T


    I came here after buying souvenirs at the Sakana Center. I regret that I should have come first... The fish here was completely fresher and cheaper. They also sold Fujinomiya Yakisoba noodles♪

  • kou suzu

    kou suzu


    It was a supermarket that had a wide selection of meat and fresh fish products. Also, there were a lot of items in the bento box.

  • dominion skin

    dominion skin


    This is a supermarket near the fish center. It runs from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. It is located in front of the fish center entrance on weekends and holidays, so it gets very crowded. There is a sign that says that use by anyone other than our store is prohibited, but it must be strict. Although the store is not large, there are a lot of items, but I felt that there were not many prepared foods. I think the price is high compared to other supermarkets. It feels like a local supermarket. However, since there are flowers when you enter, it becomes very gorgeous. I've heard that fruits and vegetables are a sign of a store, and this store seems to focus on that. My heart dances. Also, be careful of car accidents!

  • marwa muthmainna

    marwa muthmainna


    Fresh and nice price

najbliższy Supermarket

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