U Coop Midorigaoka w Kakegawa

JaponiaU Coop Midorigaoka



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-8-1 Midorigaoka, Kakegawa, Shizuoka 436-0021, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 537-22-1881
strona internetowej: shizuoka.ucoop.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7679556, Longitude: 138.0243127

komentarze 5

  • いときょん



    This was my first time using this store as all the stores in my neighborhood were closed. It's quite spacious and has a good selection of products. I really liked the fact that they sell fresh vegetables and have a wide range of Co-op products. It's a bit far away, but I would like to go on an expedition from time to time. Contains cando. I also appreciate that the parking lot is flat.

  • すずきのなにがし



    In the past, it used to be visited by many people, but now it has become a quiet shop, perhaps because it has been pushed out by suburban stores, or perhaps because the Co-op brand is no longer supported by people these days. Personally, I like stores of this size because they make shopping easier. The vegetables are fresher than the nearby Be○sia, so I think you can shop there with peace of mind. Bay○a's products are certainly cheap, but where are they? There are a lot of products from third-rate manufacturers and specific Asian countries, so I like Co-op's products because they are more reliable. This store may close down many years ago. However, there was a lot of support for the co-op, so it was decided to continue. I heard that you had a heart-warming story, so I hope you will continue to do your best.

  • fukka



    You can get reliable quality products. I think the sashimi is delicious. It has recently reopened. Kakegawa's first 100-yen store called Can Do has opened in the store. There are no Hyakuyen shops around here, so this is very helpful. The size of the store hasn't changed, so it's now a compact and tightly packed store 😊

  • 化け猫みけちゃん



    Coop products are of fairly high quality. The fish and meat are fresh. In particular, my favorite is the castella made with yuzu ponzu sauce, white soup stock, and carefully selected eggs. It may be a little more expensive than regular supermarkets, but I'm thankful that they don't use many additives or preservatives. The vegetables are also very fresh. The side dishes are also delicious, so if you are concerned about your health, please give it a try.

  • J pate

    J pate


    Prices are higher than other supermarkets. We carry many Co-op brand products. A hidden gem where you can sometimes find items that aren't available at other stores.

najbliższy Supermarket

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