Fujiya Fujiedaikarumiten w Fujieda

JaponiaFujiya Fujiedaikarumiten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

353-2 Ikarumi, Fujieda, Shizuoka 426-0015, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-644-1228
strona internetowej: www.4919228.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8824425, Longitude: 138.264241

komentarze 5

  • 中川貫二



    I especially like the meat. It would be nice if the fresh fish was cut into smaller pieces.

  • きたがわうみ



    The food is expensive overall (especially the side dishes), but the fruit assortments and Tuesday meat items are great deals. Sometimes the sashimi is also good. Frozen seafood is available at a relatively low price.

  • 麵麭と珈琲



    The level of employees is low. No one can be flexible. In particular, the level of cashiers is by far the lowest among nearby supermarkets. Even though I'm talking loudly with the cashier next to me, I can't greet customers properly or be considerate! ️ I also think that the structure of the cash register, which makes it easy to talk nonsense, is not a good idea. The same goes for the people at the service counter. Manager, please be strong.

  • りんりん



    Any side dish or bento box is a hit. It's good that it's delicious, but the price is a little high. Overall, if it were 50 yen 100 yen cheaper, I would be willing to buy any of them.

  • 柳一柴田



    I go sometimes. The bento boxes are quite expensive, but they are quite filling and delicious. However, side dishes such as tempura and fries are 20 to 30 yen more expensive than other stores, but vegetables and meat are a little more expensive. I'm very disappointed that the bulldog sauce tonkatsu sauce that was only sold there is no longer available at the supermarket near me!

najbliższy Supermarket

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