和み処 合掌 in Toyama

Japan和み処 合掌



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2040 Yatsuomachi Mizutani, Toyama, 939-2364, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 76-455-1020
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.5995265, Longitude: 137.1268117

kommentare 5

  • SMILO0707



    The landlady is a very nice person and the space is very comfortable. The food is truly amazing, and I definitely want to go there on special occasions. The foods you can eat change depending on the season, but of course the main dishes include crab, black-throated sea bream, and yellowtail. The appetizers were all dishes that were pleasing to the eye as well as the taste. This is a wonderful inn that rivals luxury inns. You can also just enjoy the food, so if you are unsure, please give it a try!

  • Hikoue mon

    Hikoue mon


    It has reopened after being closed for a year. You can spend a wonderful time in a relaxing space.

  • 佐藤緑



    I used it at my father-in-law's 49th memorial service. All the dishes were very delicious and everyone was satisfied. I felt the effort and sense of the staff at the store. Also, I definitely want to go there when I return home.

  • 千加子



    You can enjoy the food and taste, the texture of the restaurant, and the location. The warm hospitality from the head chef was also felt throughout the entire restaurant. ☺️

  • Kei Hyodo

    Kei Hyodo


    It's quite tasty, but it's a little outdated. You can enjoy fried char and local sweetfish dishes. The night view is beautiful

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