Hotel Route Inn Toyama Ekimae in Toyama

JapanHotel Route Inn Toyama Ekimae


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1-chōme-3-17 Shintomichō, Toyama, 930-0002, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 76-433-5111
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.6988608, Longitude: 137.2119029

kommentare 5

  • Hadid Windoro

    Hadid Windoro


    Great place to stay. Room is well maintained and comfortable. Breakfast was delicious and staff are freindly and helpful!

  • Mer_v



    Mount Tate (Tateyama), one of Japan's three holy mountains (三霊山, Sanreizan) along with Mount Fuji (富士山, Fujisan) and Mount Haku (白山, Hakusan) and one of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains, is located in the northern half of Japan's Kita Alps (北アルプス) and is one of the most accessible peaks in the area. The hike can be easily completed in a day, and the trailhead is easy to get to. However, if you find yourself here in good weather in the middle of summer (or god forbid, on a holiday), then prepare yourself for crowds.

  • Fred Varcoe

    Fred Varcoe


    Old hotel that's fine for a quick one-night stay but no good for extended periods. There was no desk for working and the internet connection was inconsistent, not to mention inconvenient. Bed was fine, bathroom was small. It backs on to the nightlife area and was noisy in the early morning even though I was on the 8th floor. Breakfast was no more than average and regular tea was not on the menu. There are better alternatives....

  • Amber Sinha

    Amber Sinha


    Comfortable accomodation, near to railway station

  • Chris Macer

    Chris Macer


    Location is close enough to the station but has an odd feel to it. Room size is ok, but a very odd layout (even for Japan). Wouldn't really recommend.

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