Ringer Hut en Kumamoto

JapónRinger Hut



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-7-15 Hotakubo, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 862-0926, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-385-1941
sitio web: shop.ringerhut.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8049321, Longitude: 130.747185

comentarios 5

  • Barrel Di'Anno

    Barrel Di'Anno


    It goes without saying that Ringer Hut is a well-known restaurant, but it's strange because the food here tastes better compared to other restaurants. I don't feel it when I go at night, but it tastes the best during lunch, when I'm busy and I'm nervous. It's strange. My basic recipe is Champon with lots of vegetables, but I also have a preference for chilled Champon in the summer and oyster Champon in the winter.

  • 西辻美佳子



    Classic Nagasaki champon and gyoza. Last year, the taste of the Champon I had at another Ringer Hut was so bad that I stopped going there. My first shop. The vegetables were crunchy and had the flavor I expected. I'll come back later!

  • みつざきたかひろ



    I visited you around 3pm. There were no customers, but none of the tables had been cleaned up. I was disappointed. At the Gyoza Festival, you could change the taste with mayonnaise.

  • 形而上流星



    Used for the first time in 25 years There was no drive-thru before! We also have chilled Champon and mixed noodles! But the building is still nostalgic 1030 ~ Sales is great! 4 stars due to memory correction! Used for the first time in three years I visited for the purpose of Tsukemen, but it seems that this store does not offer it. I had no choice but to order mixed noodles.

  • ちえりーぬ



    I went with my mother. It was delicious, but wasn't it a bit lacking in vegetables? (Photos from other stores attached) Even though it's the same price and product, it seems like it's very different. In terms of appearance... The taste was the same, but it was delicious.

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