Hatsune en Ako




🕗 horarios

599-1 Shinden, Ako, Hyogo 678-0255, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 791-42-1331
sitio web: www.ako-hatsune.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7648612, Longitude: 134.3708069

comentarios 5

  • 兵庫の里



    The location right off the Sanyo Expressway is very good. The food is delicious, plentiful, and has a wide variety. It also helps that it's early. I look forward to opening at night.

  • ソフィア



    You can eat at the restaurant even if you are not staying overnight. This is a popular restaurant that serves Western and Japanese food. I went there at noon, and it was packed with families and construction workers. I ate a tonkatsu set meal + one fried shrimp with toppings. It was topped with a generous amount of slightly sweet demi-glace sauce. My wife ordered a tonkatsu set meal with grated radish, so we shared it. Both were delicious. The pork cutlet and fried shrimp are large, and the rice is plentiful. If you are a small eater, we recommend that you request a smaller portion of rice when ordering.

  • キルスティン。



    I was in trouble the other week. I actually wanted to come by bike, but it was raining so I had to go by car. The owner's kind, polite, and kind personality soothed my tired mind and body from the drive, and what a luxurious time it was, listening to the owner talk about his motorcycle while enjoying oysters. For breakfast the next day, we had a wonderful egg with egg-cooked rice. The rice was delicious! ! Next time, I would love to visit you by bike! ! Thank you for your help☺️

  • まさなお



    I stayed on the oyster course. I had more than enough oysters and was extremely satisfied. The oysters are not unpleasant at all, and have a deep, rich flavor that will make you want to come back! a~. i want to eat! The breakfast eggs were also great!

  • 吉田さゆり



    I was looking for lunch and found Hatsune. Hamburger set meal 1000 yen. was delicious~. Customers enter the store one after another. The store's appearance is old, but the atmosphere inside the store was like that of jazz music at night.

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