Takamatsu Kokusai Hotel en Takamatsu

JapónTakamatsu Kokusai Hotel



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
2191-1 Kitachō, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0080, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 87-831-1511
sitio web: tkh.anabuki-enter.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.333467, Longitude: 134.071189

comentarios 5

  • tia idrus

    tia idrus


    One of the hotels with the best hospitality! They may be a 3-star hotel, (the rooms and amenities do look a bit dated but well maintained) , but the service provided here rivals that of the 5-star hotels I've ever stayed. I came here for a work trip and was pleased with the location. It's not in the centre but still not too far from the attractions nearby, but because of this, they're also quiet and a great pick if you want tranquility. There's also a convenience store and a few shops opposite, and the pedestrian walk ensure a safe journey. The best is the restaurant service, they were perhaps the friendliest and most attentive bunch of staff I've ever met! I'd definitely recommend people to stay here if they go to Takamatsu!

  • Jirathti Chaodee

    Jirathti Chaodee


    The staff are very friendly and enthusiastic. The location is great. Breakfast is very good. Actually, the best part is the breakfast. There are also some problems. The hotel name plate is not the same as in the website. It's not 'Kokusai' but 'International' We did have to do a few u-turns before going in to ask. Hot water is not constant but those are minor issues.

  • Oliver Nanzer

    Oliver Nanzer


    Very nice hotel with plenty of parking spaces. Modern rooms. You have a delicious French bakery just in front of the hotel.

  • Özgür Taşkın

    Özgür Taşkın


    Not the newest hotel, but my room was upgraded for free and everything worked perfectly. If you are traveling by car or motorcycle, this hotel will be a perfect place to stay.

  • Ohayō Phil

    Ohayō Phil


    Paid around 3000-4000yen, one night stay for 2 people. Our room was upgraded for free. It is a very nice and yet very affordable hotel. Please see my photos for what they can offer. There were also free bottled water. In general, theyre quite a generous hotel. The only small issue with them is that we had to call the staff because there were strands of hair on our pillowcases, they had it changed immediately. The headrest of the bed also had cup marks on them that wasn’t wiped clean. Overall, it was still an excellent choice. Love our stay.

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