海鮮ダイニング まぐろや はなの夢 ルートイン グランティア秋田SPA RESORT店 en Akita

Japón海鮮ダイニング まぐろや はなの夢 ルートイン グランティア秋田SPA RESORT店



🕗 horarios

5-chōme-2-1 Nakadōri, Akita, 010-0001, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 18-825-5411
sitio web: r.gnavi.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 39.7130023, Longitude: 140.1177252

comentarios 5

  • W Shinichi

    W Shinichi


    A family restaurant attached to the hotel. There are various types of sake available, and guests can use them without making a reservation.

  • chocolat Sucre

    chocolat Sucre


    I stayed at a hotel and the restaurant in front of the station wasn't open, so I used it. The food was delicious, but I think the delivery time was slow. There is a long wait just for drinks. It may be a lack of manpower, but I think it would be better to have some manpower during Golden Week. It was nice that you could order Kiritanpo hotpot for just one person, and the taste was delicious. The Hinai chicken yakitori (salty) was also crunchy and delicious. We recommend ordering Akita's specialty. If you stay at a hotel, you usually get discount coupons, but you don't get any, so the clerk asked you if you were staying at a hotel. It was confirmed, but there was no service at the checkout. I don't know why I was asked, but I was disappointed that there were no discounts or benefits, as all hotels offer them.

  • XAVI 0608

    XAVI 0608


    Used during stay. No matter what menu you order, it's always delicious. The price is normal (not cheap). The staff's customer service is good. Recommended as you can enjoy a relaxing meal even if you are alone. There are some areas that lack a sense of cleanliness, but it's tolerable. There are table seats (boxes) and a large tatami room. Payment can be made at the ``Hana no Yu'' reception desk on the 1st floor. Payment can be made electronically or cashlessly.

  • yujito



    I ate this with a meal when I stayed at Route Inn Grandia Akita. What I ate was the local cuisine plan. It comes with one drink.Since I can't drink alcohol, I ordered green apple juice and it was delicious. We had grilled fish, sashimi, yam sticks, smoked fish, soup, and kiritanpo hotpot, but since it was izakaya cuisine, it went well with rice.Because of the strong flavor, we asked for a bowl of rice instead (free refills). I actually wanted to refill it, but I gave up because it would make me gain weight. This time, I was able to eat at a great value because I was eligible for travel support. It seems like there are regular dinners in addition to local cuisine, but I thought it would be nice to be able to choose from a few when staying for multiple nights. I was very satisfied because the food was delicious and the drinks were delicious.

  • 加藤勇一



    I went on September 22, 2022. There are many types of Japanese sake, ranging from local sake to famous brands. There are also sake brewers, so we recommend asking them for recommendations and pairings. Unfortunately, I couldn't drink because I was a steering wheel keeper, but it was fun just looking at the menu. The staff were all very kind, the food was delicious, and we had a wonderful time! Thank you very much 😊

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