金萬 秋田駅前大屋根通り店 en Akita

Japón金萬 秋田駅前大屋根通り店



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-6-2 Nakadōri, Akita, 010-0001, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 18-834-3822
sitio web: kinman.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 39.716671, Longitude: 140.1263374

comentarios 5

  • Samantha Deng

    Samantha Deng


    Working with Kitty is so cute~ The taste seems to be almost the same if the shelf life is 3 days or 10 days.

  • ブルームーン



    As I was wandering down Oyane Street in front of Akita Station, I remembered a commercial I saw on TV when I was a kid, in which a foreigner performed, ``I ate 28 pieces of gold!'' I saw a nostalgic Kinman shop 👀✨ Kinman Akita Station Oyane-dori store♪ Collaborating with Hello Kitty lol Hello Kitty is always willing to collaborate in any way😁 Akita's famous confectionery [Kinman] has a simple taste that you won't get tired of🎵 But I can't eat 28 pieces lol

  • penta tonic

    penta tonic


    This size, this shape...ah! Isn't this Mr. Miyako Manju, a soul food restaurant in Hachioji and Hiratsuka? Hey, why are you here? The shop has the atmosphere of a Japanese confectionery shop, and is very elegant, and the lady who runs the shop is also very classy... It's completely different from the Miyako Manju that my mother made in the style of the industrial revolution. But the price...wow, almost double! ! Well, when you think about it that way, the taste feels somehow more elegant. The dough may be thicker than Miyako Manju. Of course, the filling is filled with white kidney beans, making it look exactly like two melons. However, this Kinman also has a tradition of 70 years.

  • p p

    p p


    A souvenir representing Akita City. It's a little small Imagawayaki and is stuffed with white bean paste. There are many similar ones in other cities, and there are not many unique features.

  • 熊谷司



    Freshly baked is still the best. In addition to taking them as souvenirs, I ended up eating two of them at the store. I bought a kitty because it was so cute. Both are the same price. It was very delicious with white bean paste. There is something similar in places like Hiratsuka City, but it is on a different level.

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