Gyoza no Ohsho i Sakai

JapanGyoza no Ohsho



🕗 åbningstider

670-1 Fukai Nakamachi, Naka Ward, Sakai, Osaka 599-8272, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 72-279-1521
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.5377635, Longitude: 135.4915003

kommentar 5

  • くつやわいた



    Ordered a ramen set meal. The food was delicious. I almost finished eating, feeling satisfied. Something like a ladle for serving Tenshinhan rice was dropped on the ground in the kitchen. I thought it was going to be washed, but it was placed on the countertop where the plates of gyoza were lined up, and after a while, it was returned to the place where the ladle had been placed without washing. Moreover, the person who did it was wearing the name tag of the deputy manager. This happened just a while ago. I am very disappointed as I have used it several times. Are you really confident in the cleanliness of the store's floors? I wish they would at least do that somewhere out of sight from the counter.

  • まっちゃん



    The gyoza are so delicious that they say they have absolute confidence. I ordered the sweet and sour pork set meal, which was delicious and had a good vinegar taste. The stamina ramen looked delicious, so I think I'll try the ramen next time.

  • Belldandy Chan

    Belldandy Chan


    Good food, quick service. Ambient is normal, clean enough. Open kitchen, so you can actually see working people

  • Zahin Aman

    Zahin Aman


    Lovely experience!!

  • 村中ファジャ



    Many times been here .quickly and delicious

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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