Gyoza no Ohsho - Sakai Hamadera i Sakai

JapanGyoza no Ohsho - Sakai Hamadera



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2-chōme-220 Hamadera Funaochōhigashi, Nishi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 592-8341, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 72-262-8266
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.5501784, Longitude: 135.4608098

kommentar 5




    It's a large store Very crowded on holidays etc. It's empty on weekdays The parking lot is small compared to the store and difficult to park. There are counter seats, table seats, and tatami mats, so it's ok for one person or a family.

  • 77 Mocchan.

    77 Mocchan.


    Visited this store for the first time in a while. Food, service, atmosphere, ALL 3 stars. This time I chose the Osho set meal 😐 Gyoza🥟 is still delicious. I think the fried rice was made in advance, but it was cold 🥲 I don't like Osho's ramen, but I think the soy sauce pork bone-based ramen at this store is delicious. I will stop by again when I work nearby 😀

  • まるますこ



    We went for lunch and ordered the Tenshin rice gyoza set, shrimp tempura, and yakisoba, and shared a variety of dishes. I went there once a long time ago and the taste was so bad that I never went back there, but when I went there for the first time in a while, it was really delicious. It felt like I was back. Especially on this day, the way the gyoza was fried was outstanding. It was grilled crispy and really delicious. My 85-year-old mother loves yakisoba and shrimp tempura, but the portions were large, so I shared them with my husband. I think I want to go again.

  • あったらどうするRC211X



    The fried rice here is delicious. There is no doubt that fried rice is delicious. There are two stores nearby, but the taste is a notch higher. Chinjaolose is also delicious. However, the store is on the second floor, so it might be difficult for people with bad legs... P.S.: I found out that the fried rice that I thought was exquisite turned out to be tasteless depending on the time of the day when I went to the restaurant. There were a lot of customers at lunchtime, so to be honest, it was not good. Maybe it's because of the freshly cooked rice... Maybe they're cutting corners because they're busy, or maybe the craftsman has changed and their skills are different. One bite of fried rice and you'll understand. You can definitely go there after 2:00pm. At each bite,

  • fish fish

    fish fish



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