Marugen Ramen i Matsubara

JapanMarugen Ramen



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5-chōme-128-1 Amaminishi, Matsubara, Osaka 580-0034, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 72-338-1455
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.5890899, Longitude: 135.5264201

kommentar 5

  • A Y

    A Y


    The rotation is fast, so even if you are lined up, it will come around quickly. There is also a standby app, so if you go when there are about 5 groups left, you will be called.

  • i



    ⭕️As soon as we arrived, they checked the number of people, guided us to our seats, and encouraged us to order using the touch panel. ⭕️I didn't have any towels, so I went to wash my hands, but there was a hand washing station in front of the toilet. Soap and alcohol disinfectant are also available. ⭕️They also brought out ramen for the number of people who came to the store at the same time, and I appreciate this consideration when visiting in a group. ⭕️They noticed before I even asked for a replacement tea, and asked me if I would excuse myself, and then replaced it. Thank you for your kindness. From the above, it was a very comfortable store. I would like to try all the types of ramen at this store. Thank you for the meal.

  • キサーオヨーシス(ヨーシス)



    I'm such a fan of Marugen Ramen that I go to the first Mikawa Anjo store (← to buy a bowl lol) and the headquarters in Toyohashi, so I eat two bowls when I'm hungry! w

  • ちえ



    I love Marugen's ramen. I often go to this store. The store staff is always cheerful, the store is clean, and the service is fast! ! There is an app where you can collect points, so it's a great deal if you save them ^ ^

  • Kueh Yip Piing

    Kueh Yip Piing


    This place is very crowded possibly because the ramen here is very good, i had a Tantanmen and my friend had a Shoyu Ramen and they taste great, the soup is rich with taste and noodle are cook to the right texture. You can also add some garlic into your ramen to make the soup richer Definitely one of the best ramen so far i had in Osaka

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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