Gyoza no Ohsho en Himeji

JapónGyoza no Ohsho



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒670-0962 Hyogo, Himeji, Minamiekimaechō, 125 125番地
contactos teléfono: +81 79-222-5757
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8260886, Longitude: 134.6920298

comentarios 5

  • Beav Densal

    Beav Densal


    I visited for lunch while visiting Himeji. The lunch menu displayed in front of the store looked good, so I ordered the lunch menu, Ninniku gyoza, and draft beer. I think you can ask whether beer will be served first or with food and answer according to your preference. The lunch menu was good value for money and the gyoza was delicious. The staff were friendly and I was able to enjoy a satisfying meal. Accounting was done using cards.

  • Q (白挪)

    Q (白挪)


    2024-03-13 (1/5) : I got serve a plate of vegetable and meat so oily I could not believe it. And clearly the oil is not fresh. It had been used for something else before. Maybe used frying oil. I looked at the chef carefully. I can tell you from the face of this man what they are doing here is shady. I could not finish when I discovered the amount of oil. All my mouth is oily. It is a very simple dish to cook and they make it a total unhealthy disaster. It was lunch time. Maybe they have a different chef in the evening. What a shame ! 2024-03-12 (4/5) : Where else in the world can you have so much vegetables ? Here. So a big thank you to this place. And for a very good value. So if your body and mind are tired of wheat noodles everywhere, this a good place for keto men like me. I ate a delicious liver from ? with many greens. The waitress is exceptionally dedicated and charming and speaks a perfect English. If you press the button, the staff is there ready faster than a blink of an eye. The place is well ventilated, seats are comfortable and the atmosphere is vibrant. Negs : the restaurant should clean the AC head where I could easily spot some black deposit + make a deep cleaning of the sauce boxes that is a bit oily. Same for the floor that was a bit slippery at some points.

  • Alejandro Restrepo

    Alejandro Restrepo


    The food is excellent 👌 very glad with the attention

  • wakayama suite

    wakayama suite


    Variety of delicious Chinese dishes at family restaurants standard

  • owele prince

    owele prince



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