Gyoza no Ohsho en Himeji

JapónGyoza no Ohsho



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298 Ekimaechō, Himeji, Hyogo 670-0927, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 79-222-4671
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8285477, Longitude: 134.6922293

comentarios 5

  • Florence Lee

    Florence Lee


    The first floor was packed so we were assigned to the 2nd level. The young wait staff was patient and directed us to scanning the QR to access the English menu. I would think that the cook on the 2nd level was not experienced or versed in Chinese cooking. The slurry for both the Ginger Pork Tanmen and the Cantonese Style Slurry Rice was extremely thick and hard to swallow. What in the world, even my grandma would not have used that much corn starch in the slurry. This is more of a glue-like, gloopy consistency. The gyozas were good though, they were thoroughly cooked and crispy at the edges. But seriously, you can't really go wrong with something that comes from the central kitchen. I have much to complain about the Miso Cabbage Pork dish. I'm not sure why the cabbage felt like it just hit the wok for 5 seconds, the taste of it was vegetally 生 raw. Plus, the cabbage was chopped up like slaw with no real half leaves. It differs greatly from what was shown in the picture on the menu. Halfway through the dish, the cabbage became a pain to pick up due to its small size and the amount of oil soaking each piece. It's just our luck getting the bottom end of the cabbage in the cabbage basket. I don't mean to be racist but I really don't think they should hire cooks that don't know much about Chinese cooking. The cook on duty was South Asian. Other than that, service was excellent and wait staff was efficient in managing orders from both levels.

  • Joshua H

    Joshua H


    Good service but mediocre and cold ramen and semi cold dumpling. I think it is what it is, a large chain restaurant that is cheap for a feed but that's about the extent of it.

  • Damien Healy

    Damien Healy


    Staff were very inexperienced. The food was Luke warm and not so delicious. They forgot one of our orders two times.

  • Ceci Cruz

    Ceci Cruz


    The food was good for me and my boyfriend we rate the food 8/10 everything it’s good (but the dumplings have too much garlic flavor)

  • Paul Catura

    Paul Catura


    Loved the gyoza! Friendly staff was patient with English speakers.

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