Starbucks Coffee - Miki Service Area (Inbound) en Miki

JapónStarbucks Coffee - Miki Service Area (Inbound)



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒673-0404 Hyogo, Miki, Ōmura, 大門1067−110 三木サービスエリア 上り線
contactos teléfono: +81 794-86-7080
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8177146, Longitude: 134.9800133

comentarios 5

  • ちゃんピー



    Starbucks Coffee Miki Service Area (Up Line) Store Happy anniversary! Miki Starbucks Congratulations 🎉 It seems that 4/20 is the 15th anniversary of this store㊗️ There is a stylish symbol tree on the terrace next to the store. #starbucks #starbuckscoffee #Starbucks Now #starbucksgram #Starbucks nationwide #Starbucks #Starbucks #Starbucks trip #Starbucksmile #MyStorePassportBeginner🔰 #MyStorePassport #Starbucks exterior #Hyogo prefecture #Miki City #Miki service area #Starbucks Coffee Miki Service Area Store #AI remover

  • 5j ceres (kari)

    5j ceres (kari)


    I think there are few seats in the store. It's a bit lined up like any Starbucks, but it's smooth.

  • K-3-3-pip



    When there is a Starbucks in the service area, I end up stopping by. Fairly crowded on a Sunday evening Only one cash register was in operation, and the clerk had no expression on his face while I was worried. Well, I can't just smile amiably every time. However, in some stores, there are store staff who tell you to take your time when choosing, so I get the impression that this is not so good. The clerk who made it was very friendly. There's a dog run right outside the store, so it's a great SA for those with dogs.

  • ska aks

    ska aks


    it was the general Starbucks as usual. Always a complaint - after being a barista myself - can't they be a little quicker with making the drinks?

  • Gia Bao Dang Tran

    Gia Bao Dang Tran



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