Sushiro en Akashi




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1933-1 Fujie, Akashi, Hyogo 673-0044, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 78-920-0360
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.66956, Longitude: 134.947456

comentarios 5

  • ウエ



    The table is too dirty...I just wiped it with a towel and it turned black...Is there even squid in the store?I can't find any fish tanks.

  • Ton Nxt

    Ton Nxt


    Best food and good in service

  • ノリマネ「お得生活研究家」



    As a “good-value life researcher Norimane”, the good-value life score is “97 points” The high point is definitely the taste (it was delicious with fresh ingredients) The standard 100 yen plate is delicious, but the special 150 yen and 300 yen plates are delicious. No wonder it has been the most popular conveyor belt sushi restaurant for a long time. Also, there were a lot of people, but since I had made a reservation online, I was able to get in easily. Furthermore, I was surprised that the information and payment were all self-administered (I feel like things are evolving day by day). The parking lot was full, and the waiting time for takeout was 160 minutes (it's extremely popular). So, as a ``good-value life researcher Norimane'', my good-value life score was 97 points. Thank you for using our service. Thank you for the meal m(_ _)m

  • Nafesa Ng

    Nafesa Ng


    Great restaurant with plenty of seasonal menus and great desserts options. My all time favourite!

  • H A

    H A


    good place to enjoy sushi with reasonable prices.

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Nivel 2 área administrativa

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